She Does Look Like The Albino Ape From The Old Planet Of The Apes. Rosanne Stole This From Me, Because I Have Been Saying This for 5 Years.
Yes I Played On Planet Of The Apes! So What?
This Is Me In 1968 On The Show.
Actress-comedian Roseanne Barr took a swipe at former Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett on Tuesday, saying the longtime political operative is what you’d get if the “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”
“muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” Barr tweeted, with “vj” appearing to stand for Valarie Jarrett. Barr’s tweet was in response to a news article about Jarrett’s alleged role in a CIA plot to spy on the president of France.
muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj
When confronted on Twitter by CNN reporter Andrew Kaczynski about her tweet involving the Sunni Islamist organization, the 1968 sci-fi film, and Jarrett, Barr replied, “It’s a joke.”
In a tweet sent moments later, Barr wrote, “ISLAM is not a RACE, lefties. Islam includes EVERY RACE of people.”
Barr’s initial tweet, however, ignited a firestorm of rebuke on social media.
Activist Shaun King and New York Times reporter Sopan Deb both shared Barr’s post while acknowledging that the 65-year-old actress is currently the star of the popular eponymous sitcom on Disney-owned ABC.
Shaun King
How in the world does @ABC & @Disney justify this?
Roseanne literally just said that Valerie Jarrett, who was Senior Advisor to President Obama, is like the Muslim Brotherhood & Planet of the Apes having a baby.
Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) should be “fired immediately” as deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) over lies about his relationship with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.
Dershowitz said, “I think Keith Ellison has to be fired immediately as deputy chairman of the DNC. Not only has he become close to Farrakhan, but he has lied to the American public about ending his relationship with Farrakhan. We know that he continued to meet with Farrakhan even after he said he no longer met with him. This is the leadership of the Democratic party.”
He continued, “Farrakhan is a bigot. He is far worse than David Duke. Why? Farrakhan has a large falling. David Duke is a joke. He has no large following. He has no influence on university campuses and no influence with the major segment of the American public. We see Farrakhan has continuing influence within the African-American community at the very highest levels. That’s why he is so much more dangerous and he ought to be treat you had the way we treat David Duke. If any Republican dared to meet with David Duke, that would be the end of their career. It should be the end of the career of any Democrat who has any association with this bigot Farrakhan.”
PERRIS, Calif. (WPEC) — A woman sued Walmart after the company locked up African-American beauty products.
According to CBS Los Angeles, Essie Grundy told reporters at a news conference in Perris, California that she has filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against the company.
Grundy claims she had to ask for assistance to buy a $0.49 hair comb that was located behind a locked glass case.
“I originally got the product from the Walmart in Riverside…and it was such a good product, I wanted to introduce it to my older children,” Grundy said. “They didn’t have any more at the original Walmart that I got it from, so I went to my neighborhood one, and that’s when I noticed all of the African-American products was locked up under lock and key.”
Gloria Allred & Essie Grundy file a racial discrimination lawsuit against @Walmart for locking up products targeting African-American customers. @CBSLA
1818 Replies
CBS LA reports that Grundy said she was “shocked” by the policy, and even asked the store manager to change the policy.
Walmart has received similar complaints by groups such as Making a Change At Walmart, CBS LA reports.
Videos on other retail stores have gone viral on social media.
The Slave LeBron James is back and Hillary’s Kunta Kinte Will not shut up.
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — On a day for reflecting on race in America, LeBron James considered Martin Luther King Jr.’s ultimate sacrifice.
A life given for love.
”He had a vision and he took a bullet for all of us,” James said.
As he and the Cavaliers prepared Monday to host the defending champion Golden State Warriors, one of 11 games on the NBA’s holiday schedule, James said honoring King’s memory and message is more vital than ever.
”For us to stand here even though we’re trying to be divided right now by somebody, today is a great day for people to realize how America was built and how we all have to stand united in order to be one,” he said. ”Especially as Americans because we believe, we all know and we all believe, this is the greatest country in the world.”
That ”somebody” James was referring to is President Trump, whom the Cavaliers star has openly criticized in the past. While not saying Trump’s name, James again made he opposes some of the president’s rhetoric.
Trump is marking his first King holiday in office buffeted by claims he used a vulgarity to describe African countries and questioned the need to allow more Haitians into the U.S.
”The state of racism will never die, but what we cannot do is allow it to conquer us as people. We can’t allow it to divide us,” said James, the four-time league MVP. ”The guy in control has given people and racism, and negative racism, an opportunity to be out and outspoken without fear. And that’s the fearful thing for us because it’s with you, and it’s around every day. But he’s allowed people to come out and just feel confident about doing negative things.
”We can’t allow that to stop us from continuing to be together and preach the right word of living and loving and laughing and things of that nature. Because would we want to live anywhere else? I don’t think so. We love this place.”
James applauded the league’s efforts to promote the legacy of the civil rights leader who was killed 50 years ago on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. James has visited the site of King’s slaying, calling the experience ”very eerie and powerful.” The father of three said he looks forward to taking his kids there.
James says he tries to uphold King’s message of empowerment through his foundation.
”I hope I made him proud,” James said.
In 2016, James, along with fellow NBA stars and close friends Dwyane Wade, Chris Pauland Carmelo Anthony stood on stage at the ESPYs and delivered a speech to raise awareness for social change and action. James has the date – 07 13 2016 – written on his sneakers as a reminder of the speech.
”We are in a difficult state right now as Americans as well with the leader of our country,” he said. ”But no matter the religion, no matter the shapes and sizes, we all have to continue to come together and shine a brighter light on … I don’t want to use the word stupidity, but that’s basically what it comes down to.
”And because we’ve built such an incredible country and for us to be able to live free lives and be able to work and work together, no matter the color of skin tone or things of that nature. Or religion. And we have to continue that and that date, I put it on my shoes because it always reminds me of our conversation. The conversation of how to continue to keep people involved. And giving the youth an opportunity to be as creative and as aware as they can be.”
They say Trump is racist but Obama is kissing the ass of Robert Byrd who was with the KKK
Texas Democrat Al Green vowed on Friday to force another impeachment vote on the House floor next week. The announcement was made on the back of President Donald Trump’s reported description of African nations, El Salvador and Haiti as “shithole countries.”
“Congressional condemnation of racist bigotry is not enough,” Green said in a tweet. “In Congress, talk is cheap-it’s how we vote that counts. Next week, I will again bring a resolution to impeach @realDonaldTrump. I will put my vote where my mouth is.”
This is the founder of Planned Parenthood and Hillary hero.
On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that, while being briefed on immigration, Trump questioned why immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries were brought over declaring, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
It is not the first time Green has pushed to impeach a president. Just last month—in the largest move yet to impeach Trump—Green brought the vote to the floor.
“He has harmed the society of the United States. Brought shame and dishonor to the office of president of the United States,” Green said at the proceeding.
Representative Al Green, the Texas Democrat, speaks about articles of impeachment for U.S. President Donald Trump during a press conference on Capitol Hill, on June 7, 2017. Green has said that he will force another vote on impeaching Trump in the wake of the president’s latest controversial remarks. Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
Although not expected to cause any traction, 58 Democrats had voted to begin proceedings, while 364 members had voted against the measure. Green has since vowed to his colleagues that he would continue pushing for another vote.
Trump has “undermined the integrity of his office with impunity, has brought disrepute on the presidency with immunity, has betrayed his trust as president,” Green’s articles of impeachment read.
While some Democrats have pushed for impeachment, party leaders have said that moving for impeachment would not help their hopes of winning back the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterms. “Now is not the time to consider articles of impeachment,” House Minority Leader Pelosi of California and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, said in a statement.
Responding to Trump’s latest controversial comments, Democratic Senator Richard Durbin said Friday that the language used at the meeting was “hate-filled, vile and racist.”
While facing global heat and widespread commendation, Trump has denied using such language, tweeting, “Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country.”
Yes this idiot thinks that minorities are to damn stupid to think for themselves.
I’m sure this Hillary supporter has hot sauce in her purse right?
Two professors from San Diego State University claim in a new book that farmers’ markets in urban areas are weed-like “white spaces” responsible for oppression.
Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando J Bosco are part of an anthology released this month titled “Just Green Enough.” The work, published by Routledge, claims there is a correlation between the “whiteness of farmers’ markets” and gentrification.
“Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized,” the SDSU professors write, the education watchdog Campus Reform reported Wednesday.
The geology professors claim that 44 percent of San Diego’s farmers’ markets cater to “households from higher socio-economic backgrounds,” which raises property values and “[displaces] low-income residents and people of color.”
“The most insidious part of this gentrification process is that alternative food initiatives work against the community activists and residents who first mobilized to fight environmental injustices and provide these amenities but have significantly less political and economic clout than developers and real estate professionals,” the academics write.
The authors claim that negative externalities of “white habitus” formed at farmers’ markets can be managed through “inclusive steps that balance new initiatives and neighborhood stability to make cities ‘just green enough.’”