The Democrats will never stop going after Trump until he fights dirty. Obama was in charge when all of this corruption happen at the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and The CIA.
Why don’t they call Obama to testify?
I say take the damn gloves off and investigate all the crimes Hillary did. Obama was emailing Hillary on the unsecure server.
James Comey and his FBI was conspiring with a British Spy (Christopher Steele), who Hillary, and DNC was paying. The CIA, The FBI, and all the Intel community knew the Steele Dossier was fake when they presented it to the FISA courts.
James Comey has lied under oath but has not been indicted. Hillary ignored a subpoena and destroyed evidence and still the principled James Comey said no reasonable Prosecutor would charge her.
I don’t care if she did it on purpose or not she mishandled classified information , and lied about it.
Bruce Ohr who was working for the DOJ, at the time his wife worked for Fusion GPS, which is who Christopher Steele was working for.
Don’t for get Steele was simultaneously attempting to dig up dirt on Trump for for the FBI and for Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Obama’s Administration placed a spy in Trump’s camp through the FBI and James Common said this is normal.
Don’t forget about this also:
(1) “I was the reporter who first disclosed last fall that a globetrotting American businessman, William Douglas Campbell, managed to burrow his way inside Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear giant, Rosatom, in 2009 posing as a consultant while working as an FBI informant.
Campbell gathered extensive evidence for his FBI counterintelligence handlers by early 2010 that Rosatom’s main executive in the United States, Vadim Mikerin, orchestrated a racketeering plot involving kickbacks, bribes and extortion that corrupted the main uranium trucking company in the United States. That is a serious national security compromise by any measure.
The evidence was compiled as Secretary Clinton courted Russia for better relations, as her husband former President Clinton collected a $500,000 speech payday in Moscow, and as the Obama administration approved the sale of a U.S. mining company, Uranium One, to Rosatom.”
Bob Mueller was the FBI Director when the Clinton Foundation some say received $145 Million for the Uranium deal.
They keep asking about Trump’s Tax Records now. It was the Bob Mueller Report that would bring him down. Then it was Obstruction that would get him. Now it’s the taxes they want Trump to show.
What about FBI Wannabe Super Agent Peter Strzok and his girlfriend sidekick Lisa Page vowing to use the powers of their office to stop Trump.
I could list many other reasons that the whole Russian Collusion/ Dossier was a farce from the very beginning.
So my question is why in the hell is Trump and the GOP allowing these lawbreaking demons to keep up with this witch hunt to bring Trump down.
Trump needs to man up and fight fire with fire. Every democrat has mountains of dirt and corruption , so give them something to do by investigating them.
You can’t not just talk tough and tell those who supported you you will use the Insurrection Act, or shut the government down.
Democrats are demons and they must be taking out of office period. Do you play with cancer in your body by attempting to befriend the damn cancer. Hell no you remove the cancer period.