This Cunt Called Ivanka Trump A Cunt And Media Was Silent.
5 Times Samantha Bee Viciously Attacked White House Women
TBS late-night host Samantha Bee is facing mounting backlash after she called White House senior advisor Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt.” Bee’s vile remarks came one day after Roseanne Barr’s show was canceled by ABC after the actress compared former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape.
To be sure, the Full Frontal host has a history of hurling vicious personal attacks at the women who work in President Donald Trump’s administration. Below is a list of just five of Bee’s cruel comments toward prominent White House women.
1.Ivanka Trump: “Feckless cunt.”
Samantha Bee roasted the Trump administration’s immigration policy and pleaded with Ivanka Trump “do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless c*nt.”
Bee wasted no time to go after Conway just a day before Trump was sworn into office, saying of one of his most trust advisors: “Kellyanne is the soulless, Machiavellian despot America deserves!”
Later, during the same seven-minute rant, Bee described Conway as, “Donald Trump’s omnipresent spokes-cobra.”
3.Hope Hicks: “Bitch” who “helped burn down democracy.”
Upon Hope Hicks’ exit as President Trump’s communications director, Bee issues some searing parting words. “Well, not tonight. I cannot let another week go by without saying, ’Fuck you, Hope Hicks!’” Bee belted.
“Hope Hicks, thanks to your force-field of bland, pretty whiteness, you’ll probably escape this nightmare presidency unscathed,” Bee continued. “You’ll disappear into nice, wealthy anonymity in a nice town somewhere and someday you’ll go to the gates of the nice, white, Protestant heaven where St. Peter will laugh in your face and say, ’You think you’re getting in here? You helped burn down democracy, bitch, get your ass downstairs!’”
“Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a fucking liar, goodnight, everyone! OK, fine. Look, calling Sanders a liar isn’t an insult, it’s her job description,” Bee said of Sanders.
“So I salute you, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” Bee said. “You’ve outlasted every man who’s had your job and almost any other job in the Trump White House to become one of the most powerful women in the nation. You are a hell of a role model for little girls everywhere who are smart and hardworking and completely evil.”
5.Melania Trump: “Trophy wife-turned-reluctant first lady.”
In a blog post mocking Mrs. Trump’s plans to host the official state dinner between President Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron, Bee wrote, “Prior to being trophy wife-turned-reluctant first lady, Melania was actually a party planner.”
Bee also took a swipe at Mrs. Trump during Wednesday’s episode in a segment about the so-called missing immigrant children who were reportedly lost while illegally crossing the border.
“Melanie lives in the White House and nobody can find her,” Bee said. “It’s okay, she’s totally being best under there,” Bee said as a photo appeared to show Mrs. Trump hiding under a bed.
Why Did You Appoint Me When You Knew I Was For Open Borders Damit?
President Trump allegedly laid into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen during a White House meeting, as border crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border continue to skyrocket, according to a new report.
In a cabinet meeting attended by advisers Stephen Miller, Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Larry Kudlow, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump blasted Nielsen for failing to secure the southern border, the Washington Postreports:
Trump lashed out at his Cabinet, and Nielsen in particular, when told that the number of people arrested for illegally crossing the Mexico border topped 50,000 for the second consecutive month. The blowup lasted more than 30 minutes, according to a person with knowledge of what transpired, as Trump’s face reddened and he raised his voice, saying Nielsen needed to “close down” the border. [Emphasis added]
“Why don’t you have solutions? How is this still happening?” he said, adding later, “We need to shut it down. We’re closed.” [Emphasis added]
Indeed, border crossings have continued to soar under Nielsen’s direction at DHS. For example, as Breitbart Texas reported, border crossings in March approached Obama-era levels of illegal immigration at the border. Last month, border crossings continued to increase, with nearly 40,000 illegal aliens crossing the border.
The increase in border crossings, coupled with a caravan of Central Americans which stormed the southern border, has reportedly created tensions between Nielsen and Trump. As Breitbart News reported, Nielsen allegedly almost quit after being blamed for not securing the border, though DHS officials say the claim is untrue.
A separate report, however, by Fox News’s John Robert, reveals that Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly had to call Nielsen following the meeting to ask her not to quit.
John Roberts
SCOOP – @WhiteHouse COS John Kelly told me this afternoon that after yesterday’s cabinet meeting where @realDonaldTrump berated @SecNielsen , Kelly called Nielsen to implore here not to quit over it.
While Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have taken tough approaches to illegal immigration and the caravan, Nielsen in her most recent testimony before Congress begged asylum-seekers to use the ports of entry to enter the U.S. legally, a move that experts say was a “colossal mistake.”
“If you are fleeing and you have a need to come to the United States, please come to the ports of entry. You — you — you know, we will process your claim there,” Nielsen said. But if you come across the border illegally, you’ve — you’ve broken the law and we have to prosecute. It’s the only way to keep our border — to have a border.” [Emphasis added]
Nielsen formerly worked for President George W. Bush, when thousands of illegal aliens were allowed to enter the U.S. after Hurricane Katrina to take coveted blue-collar jobs. Nielsen also previously authored a report promoting mass immigration as a win for big business.