Why are we debating this because the facts are we are losing money on illegal immigrants.
A continually growing population of illegal aliens, along with the federal government’s ineffective efforts to secure our borders, present significant national security and public safety threats to the United States. They also have a severely negative impact on the nation’s taxpayers at the local, state, and national levels. Illegal immigration costs Americans billions of dollars each year. Illegal aliens are net consumers of taxpayer-funded services and the limited taxes paid by some segments of the illegal alien population are, in no way, significant enough to offset the growing financial burdens imposed on U.S. taxpayers by massive numbers of uninvited guests. This study examines the fiscal impact of illegal aliens as reflected in both federal and state budgets.
The Number of Illegal Immigrants in the US
Estimating the fiscal burden of illegal immigration on the U.S. taxpayer depends on the size and characteristics of the illegal alien population. FAIR defines “illegal alien” as anyone who entered the United States without authorization and anyone who unlawfully remains once his/her authorization has expired. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has no central database containing information on the citizenship status of everyone lawfully present in the United States. The overall problem of estimating the illegal alien population is further complicated by the fact that the majority of available sources on immigration status rely on self-reported data. Given that illegal aliens have a motive to lie about their immigration status, in order to avoid discovery, the accuracy of these statistics is dubious, at best. All of the foregoing issues make it very difficult to assess the current illegal alien population of the United States.
However, FAIR now estimates that there are approximately 12.5 million illegal alien residents. This number uses FAIR’s previous estimates but adjusts for suspected changes in levels of unlawful migration, based on information available from the Department of Homeland Security, data available from other federal and state government agencies, and other research studies completed by reliable think tanks, universities, and other research organizations.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.
Total Governmental Expenditures on Illegal Aliens
Total Tax Contributions by Illegal Aliens
Total Economic Impact of Illegal Immigration
The Federal government spends a net amount of $45.8 billion on illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children. This amount includes expenditures for public education, medical care, justice enforcement initiatives, welfare programs and other miscellaneous costs. It also factors in the meager amount illegal aliens pay to the federal government in income, social security, Medicare and excise taxes.
The approximately $46 billion in federal expenditures attributable to illegal aliens is staggering. Assuming an illegal alien population of approximately 12.5 million illegal aliens and 4.2 million U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, that amounts to roughly $2,746 per illegal alien, per year. For the sake of comparison, the average American college student receives only $4,800 in federal student loans each year.
FAIR maintains that every concerned American citizen should be asking our government why, in a time of increasing costs and shrinking resources, is it spending such large amounts of money on individuals who have no right, nor authorization, to be in the United States? This is an especially important question in view of the fact that the illegal alien beneficiaries of American taxpayer largess offset very little of the enormous costs of their presence by the payment of taxes. Meanwhile, average Americans pay approximately 30% of their income in taxes.
Taxes collected from illegal aliens offset fiscal outlays and, therefore must be included in any examination of the cost of illegal immigration. However, illegal alien apologists frequently cite the allegedly large tax payments made by illegal aliens as a justification for their unlawful presence, and as a basis for offering them permanent legal status through a new amnesty, similar to the one enacted in 1986. That argument is nothing more than a red herring.
FAIR believes that most studies grossly overestimate both the taxes actually collected from illegal aliens and, more importantly, the amount of taxes actually paid by illegal aliens (i.e., the amount of money collected from illegal aliens and actually kept by the federal government). This belief is based on a number of factors: Since the 1990’s, the United States has focused on apprehending and removing criminal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens seeking employment in the United States have lived in an environment where they have little fear of deportation, even if discovered. This has created an environment where most illegal aliens are both able and willing to file tax returns. Because the vast majority of illegal aliens hold low-paying jobs, those who are subject to wage deductions actually wind up receiving a complete refund of all taxes paid, plus net payments made on the basis of tax credits.
As a result, illegal aliens actually profit from filing a tax return and, therefore, have a strong interest in doing so.
The White House revealed a proposal to extend legal status and a path for citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants brought to the country as children in exchange for $25 billion in funding for the wall, an end to chain migration across the board, and an end to the visa lottery program.
The bill’s framework would apply to the roughly 690,000 illegal immigrants who registered for the DACA program started by former President Barack Obama as well as illegal immigrants who did not apply. A senior administration official told reporters that the 1.8 million number would be restricted by minor adjustments to timeframes and dates of entry issues.
“The argument is by some people in Congress is that there is another 690,000 roughly that never got around to registering but fall into the general category, age, and all the rest of it,” the official said. “Those combined come to 1.8 million.”
The path to citizenship would require a 10-12 year period where recipients would be required to demonstrate good behavior, work and education requirements, and good moral character.
A senior White House official described the plan as an “extraordinarily generous concession” with Democrats but made several demands considered non-starters by members of Congress supporting amnesty.
The White House said that it intended to send the framework to Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, who promised Democrats a vote on the Senate floor by February 8.
The framework includes a $25 billion lump sum “trust fund” for a border security “wall system” for not only the Southern border but major security investments on the Northern border as well.
It also includes sweeping limitations for chain migration — limiting family immigration sponsorships to only spouses and minor children — not for parents or extended family members.
The new migration limitations would apply to all immigrants in the United States, not just the newly legalized 1.8 million.
“It will never, ever, ever, ever, work unless it’s universal,” the official noted. “It’s a global change to the U.S. immigration system.”
The bill framework was described as an effort to show exactly what the president wanted in a bill after open borders advocates complained that they had no idea where the president stood in their negotiations.
The proposal would also end the visa lottery program and reallocate them towards fulfilling the skills-based visa backlog.
The official noted that the current legislation was “galaxies apart” from what Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer discussed with Trump over lunch before the government shutdown, but felt that it was a plan that could get 60 votes in the Senate.
These people all need to be locked up for even talking about DACA.
By Erin Coates
A memo circulated by the Center for American Progress Action Fund revealed what Democrats really think about “Dreamers” protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
According to the memo, protecting illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. at a young age is critical for the Democratic Party to retain what power it still has, according to The Daily Caller.
“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” the memo read.
Ryan Saavedra
LEAKED MEMO: The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund admits that “DREAMers” are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”
The memo was co-authored by Jennifer Palmieri, former White House director of communications and the director of communications for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign, and sent to Democrat allies.
It asserted that “saying you support Dreamers just isn’t enough” anymore.
“This time, Democrats need to stand with Dreamers and do whatever it takes to ensure they remain in this country,” it said. “Democrats should refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”
As the memo revealed, the Democrats need the votes of people previously protected by DACA.
“Latinos are a critical part of the progressive coalition and progressive leaders have to step up and fight for them,” it read. “If Democrats can’t even stand up to Trump and Republicans in defense of Dreamers … they will leave a lot of progressives wondering who the Democrats will fight for.”
The Trump administration announced in September it was ending the DACA program, which was initiated under former President Barack Obama in 2012.
President Donald Trump gave Congress six months to address the legal status of the approximately 800,000 individuals registered in the program.
In December, Trump made it clear that any deal concerning those protected by the DACA will also involve building a border wall.
The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!
Protecting DACA is imperative for future Democratic Party success, according to the memo.
“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” it read. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”
Report reveals 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal immigrants
A new report published Thursday by the Trump administration shows that 92 percent of foreign nationals in federal prisons are in the U.S. illegally — a revelation that Attorney General Jeff Sessions said proves why the U.S. needs to follow through on President Trump’s proposed immigration reform.
The 2017 report, from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security, found that more than one in five individuals imprisoned were not born in the United States. In addition, 94 percent of foreign nationals in the custody of either the Federal Bureau of Prisons or the U.S. Marshals Service entered the U.S. illegally.
Sessions said in a statement that Americans “are being victimized by illegal aliens who commit crimes. … The simple fact is that any offense committed by a criminal alien is ultimately preventable. One victim is too many.”
The attorney general also noted that, based on sentencing data, “non-citizens commit a substantially disproportionate number of drug-related offenses, which contributes to our national drug abuse crisis.”
By the end of the 2017 fiscal year, 58,766 known or suspect foreign nationals were imprisoned in the United States.
Newly-confirmed Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen added that the report highlights “that more must be done,” and added the department “will continue to pursue President Trump’s immigration priorities.”
The report did not include information on incarcerations in state prisons or local jails. “State and local facilities do not routinely provide DHS or DOJ with comprehensive information about their inmates and detainees—which account for approximately 90 percent of the total U.S. incarcerated population,” the report said.
This past October, the Trump administration announced it was seeking several major changes to the country’s immigration system, as the president pushes forward with his plans for a wall along the Mexico border. The requests included additional crackdowns on “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants; reducing the number of incoming refugees; 10,000 more Customs and Border Patrol agents; and new initiatives curbing the number of unaccompanied immigrants who come to the U.S. illegally as children. Democrats already have said many of the White House’s terms are off the table.
It remains unclear when the wall might actually go up. Trump campaigned on building it and set an ambitious timetable for construction. But aside from potential funding and political complications, there have been court challenges from geologists.
Critics also have said the barrier would be ineffective and costly. On the campaign trail, Trump said Mexico would pay for the bill, which Mexico has flatly denied. The actual cost of the wall has not been clear.
Illegal Immigrant Accused of Repeatedly Raping, Kidnapping Autistic Woman
An illegal immigrant, along with another man, is accused of kidnapping and repeatedly raping a woman with autism while holding her against her will.
Luis Arnold Lopez-Lara, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant, and 23-year-old Helmer Alexander Erazo allegedly kidnapped the 22-year-old woman with autism after she left her residence after being upset, according to Ozarks First.
The woman was reportedly walking past a mobile home when Lopez-Lara and Erazo offered the woman alcohol and told her to come inside. A third man told warned the girl not to listen to the two men.
The woman was held against her will for three days, according to the victim, where Lopez-Lara repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped her.
Lopez-Lara allegedly gave the woman a beer, leaving her drunk, though she repeatedly tried to fend the illegal immigrant off and escape, but was told she would be killed if she resisted.
The victim also told police that Lopez-Lara and Erazo starved her for the three days, giving her Mexican food which she did not want to eat and then only giving her water, chips and a candy bar. According to the victim, she hid in a closet one day and was found by Erazo who grabbed her by the neck and threw her up against a wall.
Local neighborhood residents say they fear for their children’s safety and that they cannot believe the incident occurred in their backyard.
“I haven’t let her ride the bus, I don’t want her out in the neighborhood, I don’t want her unsupervised,” neighborhood resident Lindsey Smith told Ozarks First.
“To have it literally be in our backyard and can throw a stone at these guys is horrible,” Smith said.
“Horrible, absolutely horrible. We’ve never had anything like this go on,” Smith continued. “We’ve never felt like we really had to lock our doors, lock our cars and watch our kids at night. Just not the town I grew up in anymore.”
Lopez-Lara and Erazo are being charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, rape and the illegal immigrant is facing deportation. Two other Hispanic men who witnessed the kidnapping and sexual assaults are awaiting charges.
Lopez-Lara is being held by the Greene County Sheriff’s Office without bond and Erazo is being held on a $150,000 bond.
The new red carpet! Jodie Foster and Michael J. Fox lead rally against Trump’s immigration ban instead of the traditional pre-Oscars party as Hollywood gears up for the most political show EVER
Jodie Foster, Michael J. Fox and Keegan Michael Key among the 1,200 to protest in Hollywood on Friday in support of immigrant rights
Protest took place outside United Talent Agency headquarters in Beverly Hills
The talent agency scrapped its annual pre-Oscar party in favor of the rally
Oscar-nominated Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi spoke via video from Tehran
While most celebrities are busy gearing for Oscar events this weekend, the likes of Jodie Foster, Michael J. Fox and Keegan Michael Key opted to protest in Hollywood over Donald Trump‘s recent immigration orders.
The stars were among 1,200 people to take part in the rally organized by the United Talent Agency on Friday outside its headquarters in Beverly Hills.
Islam is so peaceful. This is how the treat women.
UTA, one of the world’s largest talent agencies, chose to scrap its annual pre-Oscars party in protest at Trump’s immigration travel ban and to show its support for freedom of speech and artistic expression.
Taking to the rally stage, Foster said she’s never been comfortable using her public face for activism and has always found the small ways to serve, but that this year is different.
‘It’s time to show up,’ she said. ‘It’s a singular time in history. It’s time to engage. And as the very, very dead Frederick Douglass once said ‘any time is a good time for illumination’.’
‘It doesn’t matter where you born, who you voted for… All the colors in the identity rainbow – this is our time to resist,’ she said.
How Many Of These Idiots Take In Refugees?
‘It is the time to show up and demand answers. It’s all of us trying to tell our elected officials to do their job.’
The rally also featured speeches from Michael J. Fox and Keegan-Michael Key and performances by DJ Cassidy and rock band the X Ambassadors.
Fox, who became a United States citizen some 20 years ago, remembered being annoyed at the 8-year process to citizenship and now wonders what he was complaining about.
‘I’m proud to stand here today in support of values and principles that I admire,’ Fox told the crowd.
‘You have people who have given up everything, who have lost everything they have. They are struggling to keep their families alive and keep food in their mouths and disease away from their bodies and took tremendous risk to get to this country, and we say no?’
Key said the event was intended to ‘support the creative community’s growing concern with anti-immigration sentiment in the United States of America and its potential chilling effect on the global exchange of ideas, not to mention freedom of expression.’
He welcomed all, including a handful of Trump supporters, because he said ‘this is America, where you get to believe what you want.’
Loving Islam Did This
One Trump supporter walked through the crowd in a Make America Great Again hat early on saying ‘you’re not going to block me.’
For the most part, however, the crowd was subdued, civil and attentive to the celebrity speakers.
The talent agency organized the nearly two-hour rally in lieu of its annual Oscars party.
The Oscar-nominated Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi also spoke via video from Tehran to praise the show of unity among the cinema community.
Farhadi, who is represented by the agency in Hollywood, previously said he would not travel to Los Angeles for Sunday’s ceremony as a result of Trump’s Muslim travel ban.
The film’s lead actress, Taraneh Alidoosti, is also boycotting the awards event.
‘It is comforting to know that at a time when some politicians are trying to promote hate by creating divisions between cultures, religions and nationalities, the cinema community has joined the people in a common show of unity to show its opposition,’ Farhadi said.
‘I hope this unity will continue and spread to fight other injustices. Filmmakers can break stereotypes around the world by turning their cameras to capture shared human qualities.’
UTA previously announced that it was donating $250,000 to the ACLU and the International Rescue Committee and has set up a crowd funding page to solicit more donations. At press time, over $320,000 had been raised.