By: The Doctor Of Common Sense
I find it so damn funny that slave negro’s like Lebron James is pretending to be outraged over the h & M Hoodie that says “coolest monkey in the jungle”. Now the mother of the young man who’s name is Liam Mango and his mother who’s name is Terry Mango said this is people “crying wolf”. I did a video and you can check that out at .
Why is it that black people are not so damn upset about what is happening in Chicago, Baltimore, Houston, and every other inner city in America. Also they have video of dumbasses getting upset in South Africa, going in stores and destroying property. Lets look at this report from South Africa and tell me why the blacks in South Africa and America are not upset about the crime in South Africa.
(1) “Every eight hours, a woman is killed by an intimate partner, according to the SA Medical Research Council.
One in five (21%) of women in a relationship have experienced physical violence by a partner, Stats SA said in its South Africa Demographic and Health Survey 2016 released in May.
Last week NPA Western Cape spokesperson said: “From January up to today, there have been 19 children that have been killed in the Western Cape. Twelve of those cases will go to the high court.”
Here is a list of just 20 of these countrywide murders. Five of them were children. Two of the women were pregnant. Many more cases will go unreported:”
All the damn crime that happens every day in most every inner city and Slaves like Lebron James and the jackasses from the Hip Hop Community does not do one damn thing to speak against it. You are safer in Afghanistan than in Chicago or most inner cities. Why don’t Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick, The NFL idiots, The Media, and All Of Media Elites help stop black on black crime. This is nothing but a bunch of fake outrage from race baiting morons who want to seem “aware” and relevant. This is just as insane as the whole so-called President Trump calling some countries like Haiti, and El Salvador shitholes. I don’t know if Trump called these countries shitholes are not but the truth of the matter is they are shitholes.
If I call dog shit shit does not make me hate dogs? No it does not and if the mother and father of the young man is not racist. Why in the hell are all of these Social Justice Warrior pretending to be outraged?