How Has The World Become So Insane In Its Thinking?
Well it is not just one thing but a host of many things. I do believe at the core of the issue of insanity is the concept of, there is no absolutes.
Which no one who argues against absolutes, really believes that there is no absolute.
Any thinking person realizes that it is a self defeating argument.
The minute you object to someone saying that there is no absolutes, your argument falls apart.
Because if there is no absolutes then why argue with me about my belief in absolutes?
What they are saying in essence is, that there are not absolutes, except for the absolute, of there not being any absolutes.
So either there are absolutes, or there are no absolutes. Because once you make an argument for the exception of the only absolutes, is there is no absolutes.
You will begin to justify the most insane and perverse ideas. One of the main issues in society, and especially at the higher learning educational institutes.
Is that we must find a victim, and a villain. I believe that most of this thought process is centered around postmodernism.
Postmodernism is a $15 dollar word that simply means not believing in absolutes.
If the postmodern thinker was honest. He or she would admit that they are opposed to reason and logic.
It also could be argued that they are opposed to biology, science, and math.
You see we live in a society that believes that people are not responsible for their choices or actions.
A modern way of thinking is that you are responsible for your action. The postmodern thinker wants to look for someone else to blame for their bad behavior.
Even if you started off on a bad road in life. Even if you did not have a steady home environment. You live in a country especially if you are in America.
You live in a land where even though cronyism, and nepotism is rampant. You still can earn a living if you remove the excuses.
What we all should be fighting for is equal opportunity, not equal outcome.
If you attempt to make quotas based on anything except skills and qualification.
You will 99 times out of a 100 not get the most qualified person. I am opposed to hiring a certain amount of women.
I am opposed to hiring a certain amount of minorities. But I am also opposed to hiring someone based on who they know, or who their parents are.
One of the main problems with victimhood, is that the alleged victim must find a victimizer.
It does not matter if it is the correct victimizer or not. “I have been wronged so I believe you are responsible for my suffering.”
What is quite insane about this way of thinking is that it does not unify anyone, it divides. I’m all for calling out those who have done wrong. And punishing the guilty.
But why are we teaching in universities that all whites must repent for something that their ancestors, may or may not have done?
I was looking at a website that was promoting a class at UMass. The tittle of the class was Race, Gender, Class and Ethnicity.
The class recommends you read a book called “Honky” by Dalton Conley.
As you can guess by the tittle he is white. The person on this website that was praising the book.
It states that the “Honky” who is Dalton grew up in “predominantly black and Hispanic area of Manhattan’s Lower East Side and dealt with racialized injustices.”
But the person who wrote the article quotes the Honky author. Who says that most whites get their jobs based on who they know.
And since most whites know mostly whites, they tend to get jobs because of their white connections.
Therefore this is considered I guess, “white privilege.” This could be based more on cronyism, and nepotism rather than white privilege.
I can show you jobs where blacks, latino’s, and asians got jobs based on who they know also.
Is that black, latino, or asian privilege also?
What is so damaging is they are attempting to divide small children by constantly talking about race.
I went through elementary school, all the way up until the twelfth grade and not one teacher mention race.
I had all races of teacher but we did not go to school to become activist. So therefore race was not apart of the curriculum.
Kids are taught racism through out their lives by their parents, or the environment they grow up in.
If their parents are spewing out racism when they see the opposite race.
Guess what? Those kids will develop a since of hate for people based on assumptions, and ignorance that has been taught by their parents or their environment.
And if it is farther taught in school, then it will only get worst and become deeply rooted in who they are.
This will become their world view of the world. They will see race in every and anything.
You see the reason so many are opposed to absolutes, is that it is offensive to their world view.
And it is also the fact that absolutes can be very offensive. Because some people think because they where taught a certain thing at home. That means it must be true. And when you decide to tell me it is false.
You are attacking those who I respect, and those who taught me my ignorance.
This is the same reason many are opposed to the teaching of the Bible.
The bible declares us all sinners. The bible leaves no room for you to think that you are not a sinner.
Absolutes tend to do the same. That’s why the lord Jesus said I am Truth. But if you can dispel the notion that there are no absolutes.
Then practically anything goes. How is it possible for a civilized country to be having a debate over what a woman is?
One of the key elements that describes a woman is menstrual cycles. Are we really having an intellectual debate on whether a person born male can have a menstrual cycle?
A natural born man has zero chances of ever having a menstrual cycle. If that is offensive to you, it only means you fact facts and logic.
Natural born women have a menstrual cycle every 28th to 35th day.
I’ve read that it can last from 2 to 7 days, but I will not argue with women that say it is longer.
In order to have a menstrual cycle you must have a uterus. A uterus is that hollow sort of pear-shaped organ in a WOMAN”s pelvis.
Notice I said a woman’s pelvis. The medical books, and medical websites all say that a uterus is only found in women.
The uterus is also where the fetus, or baby develops growth.
Also you should understand that only a woman with a uterus, can become pregnant.
It has been said that during a normal menstrual cycle, the lining of a woman’s uterus sheds. This cycle is part of a woman’s reproductive system and prepares the body for a possible pregnancy.
So this madness that has been called transgenderism is a mental illness.
Stop the madness.
I was on a website that was stating myths, and facts.
It says it is a myth that;
MYTH:Nondiscrimination protections could be used as cover for misconduct in restrooms.
It goes on to say it is a fact that;
FACT:In the 21 states and more than 300 cities with LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections, there has been no increase in public safety incidents in restrooms.
The first thing I would like to say is that their so-called fact is a lie. In Virginia a transgender boy sodomized one girl at Stone Bridge High School in Virginia.
He was transferred to another school Broad Run High School.
Where he assaulted another girl in the class room. The LGBTQ community was not outraged with this.
I have not found any statement from the LGBTQ community, or those who support this mental illness. That says we condemn what this little freak did.
But when David Chappelle simply state the obvious they wanted an apology.
Think about how insane we have become as a society. When you are more outraged by a true statement, than you are about 2 children been sexually assaulted.
But this is the product of what some called political correctness, and being woke.
But I am offended that you are calling this political correctness while children are being raped.
This is what happens in a postmodern society, that is opposed to absolutes. When you stand on the ground of no absolutes anything is permissible.
It is the equivalent of you attempting to stand on a vertical wall and give a 5 hour lecture.
Who would even attempt to do something so unattainable? It could be argued that the Public School System, and those in Higher Learning is doing exactly that.
The the children in school are now being taught about transgenderism. They are also teaching in the class room that if you are a minority you don’t need to follow rules.
Because following rules are consider as “acting white.”
It is a form of whiteness indoctrination, to teach children to obey their teachers.
How insulting and racist is that statement. “You don’t know how to act in class because you were raised by monkey’s” I guess?
Once you begin to separate students, or any people based on something other than merit.
You breed hate and discord among those who you say you are intending to help.
Don’t tell me that math, biology, history, and English is racist.
Math is simply an equation that solve a numeric, shape, or quantities question in a scientific way.
It does not take racism or gender into consideration while solving a problem.
And while some events in history may be about racism, history in and of itself is not racist.
To say that English is racist is to say that all spoken languages are racist. Speaking a certain language can not be considered as racist.
If I decide to live in France, do you think I should learn how to speak their language? The answer is absolutely. Before I go off to France, I should start taken French classes. I should not say that it is racist to make people who come to your country learn the language of the land.
I think it is arrogant on the part of the person who came to that particular country not to learn the language.
There is nothing wrong with being proud of where you have come from. But when you are going to run around waving another flag in the country that you now reside.
This means you think your country is better. Not just you are proud of the country you came from, but you think your country is better.
I think it is great the carry the flag of the country that you reside in. But when I see boxers, or MMA fighters carry these other flags while living in America.
I say go back to those countries if they are so damn great. But we have people who live in America, and some from other countries. Who are burning the American flag because they say it is a racist flag.
Can someone show me a flag that has no blood on its hand? And if America is so racist, why is it that you are insisting on staying here?
Why is it that those on the Left want to bring over more minorities to be mistreated in racist America?
So no English is not racist and if you come to this country you should learn English PERIOD.
What about biology? Is Biology racist?
Biology is simply the science of life and living organisms.
I don’t believe that anyone would argue that the human anatomy is part of Biology.
Therefore defining parts of the human anatomy can not be seen as racist, or noninclusive.
But when you make an attempt to destroy absolutes, it becomes impossible to have rational conversations.
Why is it we teach babies to talk. We teach children at an early age to communicate.
We don’t say “goo goo gaga” to a 15 year old. There is a certain age that baby talk must cease.
Because if it does not the child will not be able to communicate with society.
So that means words have meaning. You can’t just generalize and say something is racist when most of your argument, if not all of your argument is based on feelings.
Calling math racist is baby talk. Calling facts and truth intolerant is baby talk.
We have gone off the the reservation of sanity, and moved onto the plantation lunacy.
There is a such a thing as right and wrong.
Your gender, or race does not matter in the equation of facts.
The question is, if the statement is true. Not how do you feel about facts and truth.
Once you throw out the baby with the bath water.
The baby being absolutes, and the bath water being facts.
You will loss a sense of sanity as a society. This is why some of the things that are being said today, would have gotten you laughed at 40 years ago.
It may even have gotten you institutionalized.but today they say you are being unloving by saying a person born male can not become a woman.
It is a scientific impossibility, and no your feelings does not come into the equation.
This is the problem I have with woke math. You can only use the system of woke math in a “bubbled” university, or a “bubbled” public school.
Woke math does not work in the real world. And if you are telling me woke math works in the real world.
I have my eyes on 3 properties that are worth around 5 million dollars each. One is a beachfront home in Malibu.
I want to be able to use woke math to purchase those homes for a dollar each. Because I believe my truth is they should be one dollar.
My feelings says that those homes should belong to me.
And you have no right to tell me other wise. If I have too, I can sprinkle the fact that it’s racist to deny me from having those homes because I’m black.
Who cares who the home owners are. I will assume that they obtained the homes illegal, or that it was based on slavery.
This kind of teaching only breeds hate and division. And until we start using absolutes, and critical thinking. We have no hope of becoming a better society.
By: The Doctor Of Common Sense