By: The Doctor Of Common Sense
Joe Biden’s mind is gone. He can’t even do a simple interview without sticking his foot in his mouth.
Even if you give Joe the questions, and the answers. Hell you can throw in a Obama teleprompter, and he would still sound like an idiot.
This is the man that beat out about 28 other candidates to win the Democratic nomination.

What does that say about the Democratic Party?
Either Joe Biden is in early stages of dementia, or his brain is not cooperating with his mouth.
Joe Biden has always made gaffes, and said dumb things.
The older you get it just becomes harder to catch your foot from going into your mouth.
Back in 2010 Joe was speaking at a reception for Brian Cowen.
Joe pronounced the mans mother as being deceased. But then he quickly caught himself and said “wait your mother is still alive”.
So Joe’s latest blunder is we have “Voter Registration Physicians”.
I’m not sure what that is, but I’m guessing it is a democratic strategist that is hired to create fake ballots for the democrats.

You see even when Joe has friendly interviews from one of the alphabet channels.
Which are simple wings of the Democratic Party.
I don’t know how these News Stations can call themselves journalist.
When they interview Joe Biden, they never question him, like they would President Trump.
What if Donald Trump had said “The consensus is A), we must take back the streets,” Biden said, “It doesn’t matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn’t matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn’t matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society. The end result is they’re about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons.”
This is Joe Biden’s speech while pushing the Crime Bill in 1993.
I don’t disagree with everything he says, but why is it that the Left-wing nut jobs are giving him a pass.
I think that criminals should be taken off the street. I don’t care what your race is, because if you are dangerous, law-abiding citizens should be protected.
But these “Woke” liberals pretend that you can’t call a person a criminal, if he or she happens to be a minority.
But wait, Joe Biden was not finished, he went on to say; “We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created,”
Are you telling me that if President Trump had made the same statements that Joe made, the media would not be talking about it none stop?
It would be 24/7 coverage on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and even ESPN would have a segment on it.
But they must protect Joe Biden, because he is so damn pathetic.
He can’t remember what State he is visiting or campaigning in.
He was hiding in a safe house for over 2 months. He was not in the witness protection program. But they where protecting Joe Biden, from Joe Biden.
It is one of the worst kept secrets in News today.
Because even the liberal bias media know that Joe Biden is not qualified to be president.
But they don’t care that he has been in public office for over 44 years. They don’t care that he was the vice-president for 8 years, and has never really done a damn thing.
Joe Biden does not care about blacks. He does not care about the poor. He does not care about Climate Change. He does not care about the LGBTQ. He does not even care about America.
He cares about getting he, and his family rich.
That should be Joe Biden’s talking point.
“Joe what are you running on?” “I’m running on making billions for my family and friends.”
That is all Joe has ever done.
If Hunter Biden was not is son, he would be in jail, for possession, or strung out somewhere on drugs.
His son Hunter is a drug addict. Joe Biden or his wife have not even recognized is new son by Lunden Alexis Roberts.

She is a stripper that Hunter got pregnant and the paternity DNA test proves he is the father.
She did not even have to go on the Jerry Springer Show.
But Joe Biden can’t even remember how many grandchildren that he has, let alone what to do as President.
But this proves how corrupt the so-called journalist, and News Station have become.
They have always been bias, but now they don’t even attempt to hide it.
No one with an education past the 6th grade should be arguing if Joe Biden is qualified.
If he is so qualified why is it that the left-wing media feel the need to protect him?
They don’t think he is capable of being the president. All they know is that the orange man is bad.
By Any Means Necessary they must remove President Trump out of office.
They say the hell with a duly elected president, if it does not fit our agenda.
If you had a candidate that you had confidence in, would you not want him to speak to the people?
But Joe Biden is the first candidate to be in the witness protection program.
But he is not being protected from Mob Bosses, or Murders.

He is being protected from himself. But when you find out what Joe means when he says “Voter Registration Physicians”, please let me know.