Editor’s note: graphic content
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — A workshop at Harvard University on Tuesday night delved into the ins and outs of anal sex, with a presenter denouncing the “stupidity of abstinence” and the joys of “putting things in your butt,” according to a College Fix reporter who attended the event.
The workshop was held as part of the Ivy League university’s Sex Week, which launched Monday and runs through Nov. 12. Titled “What What in the Butt: Anal 101,” the event drew nearly 50 students.
At one point the presenter leading the workshop passed out gloves and butt plugs to students as she offered instructions on anal relaxation techniques.
“Remember it’s all about practice, practice, practice,” said the presenter, Natasha, a representative of the Cambridge-based adult shop Good Vibrations.
Showing students a special medical-grade butt plug, she said “a local guy named Greg makes these—salt of the Earth!”
Identifying the event with the sexual positivity movement, Natasha said the goal was to “encourage people to go after their desires and not feel shame.”
“Come up front guys, were gonna have some dirty fun,” she said as the presentation began.
Noting “not all men have penises, not all women have vaginas,” she added “the butthole is the great sexual equalizer. All humans have a butthole.”
A slide shown during the event listed other perks: “because it feels good,” “tantalizing taboo” and “increases truth/intimacy.”
The crowd appeared enthusiastic, asking detailed questions about anal intercourse. One guy even showed up in a hotdog costume.
“There are two types of people in this world, people who watch anal porn and dirty fucking liars,” Natasha told students.
She said she blames politics and religion for preventing young people from enjoying anal sex.
“You couldn’t be fucked in the ass in Texas until about 10 minutes ago,” she said.
Natasha also denounced abstinence, saying “it doesn’t make any fucking sense” and that “the population of priests and nuns are declining.”
During the event, Natasha went over relaxation and tickling techniques. She also delved into how different actions stimulate the anatomy and how to avoid messy situations. At one point she held up anal beads and explained how to use them. She also discussed how porn gives inaccurate perceptions of sex.
The event closed with a raffle for expensive sex toys, including butt plugs and vibrators. The butt plugs used during the demonstration were handed back to organizers.
Students were also allowed to take whatever they wanted from a bountiful amount of male and female condoms, sex toy cleaners, and literature from Planned Parenthood.
Anal 101 is one of a number of events as part of Harvard’s student organized sex week observance. Other events later in the week include “Beyond the Hub: Broadening Your Porn Horizons” and “Unleashed: Kink 101.”
Tuesday’s event was not the first time Harvard has hosted an anal sex workshop. It also did in 2014, The College Fix reported at the time.
Current members of Harvard’s student sexual education group, Sexual Health Education and Advocacy Throughout Harvard, or SHEATH, which organizes Sex Week, lobbied to bring it back.