Malia and Sasha Obama Were Loaned by Their Real Parents so America Would Accept the Fake First Family
I know this briefly made the rounds last year…but I’m not sure everyone saw it and I have been meaning to post a blog about it and just get it down in black and white for safekeeping and also so the facts are preserved. I don’t want anyone to forget how cheated and lied to we were by this last presidential puppet they installed. I mean, they took it to a whole new level with the creation of Barry Soetoro.
And I feel like we are constantly inundated with so much info that sometimes important details that should be preserved are swept away with the tide and forgotten about…never to return. So here it is:
(I originally posted the following on Facebook in December of 2016):
I saw the video that Fisher of Men did on this titled “I Found Malia and Sasha’s Real Parents”. So just to note…he’s the one who originally made this connection. After he made that video he was visited by the secret service and is now in prison on trumped up charges….they say he is a “domestic terrorist”, but we all know that means he’s simply a threat to them.
So people in the alternative media have wondered for a long time who Malia and Sasha’s real parents are (being that Michelle is most likely a man). This is a great piece done on the topic in 2013 by Eowyn at Fellowship of the Minds. Definitely worth the read.
But just a few basic points from it. None of the ancestry or genealogy sites have any record of either girl.
Ancestry.com has no birth records for Malia or Natasha Obama. In fact no birth records can be found on either girl ANYWHERE.
There are no pictures of the Obama’s with the girls when they were babies. (Actually only ONE single photo has been found and I’m no expert on photoshop but it doesn’t take an expert to see that it’s a very sloppily flung together photoshopped picture. It’s almost embarrassing to look at really…they did such a bad job.)
This is the only pic that can be found of the Obamas with Malia or Sasha when they’re young. And this looks extremely photoshopped. See how they pop out of the background like that? Not natural.
And then also, there are ZERO pictures to be found ANYWHERE of a pregnant Michelle Obama.
So here’s where it all gets interesting…Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt are a married couple who have been close friends with the Obama’s going back to their early Chicago days. Martin Nesbitt was the Obama campaign treasurer and close friend… and his wife, Dr. Anita Blanchard, is the woman said to have quote on quote “delivered the children of Obama” (remember that semantics matter here).
So Dr. Anita and her husband became Sasha and Malia’s “godparents”. They are both very tight with Valerie Jarrett and crew going back to Obama’s beginning in Chicago.
So last year, the youtuber Fisher of Men looked this couple up (after seeing a 2008 NY Times article which referenced them..and he made a very interesting discovery. In his video…when he put the following picture up on the screen (the pic straight below) my jaw dropped.
Because the resemblance is so shocking. (Sorry it’s a tad blurry. It’s a screenshot off his video) After seeing this pic….I started paying attention.
The older girl Malia is a dead ringer for Martin Nesbitt and the younger girl Sasha looks just like Anita Blanchard.
The pics below are collages I made from pics I found of the girls and the couple, just doing image searches.. just to show some more comparisons.Malia looks like dad and Sasha looks like mom.
The next pic is a picture I found of Martin Nesbitt with Obama that really struck me because his awkward posture and stance reminds me EXACTLY of awkward Malia Obama and how she holds herself…her posture when she walks, her long gaping strides, etc.
Martin was Obama’s campaign treasurer and there are many photos of them together online, that date way back. They are obviously VERY good, longtime friends.
Obama’s real father maybe Frank Marshall