By: The Doctor Of Common Sense
This whole thing with J.K. Rowling the Harry Potter author proves common sense is dead.
It also proves that no matter how insane the belief that you espoused is, it is acceptable if you scream it loud enough.
Stephen King who looks like something out of one of his horror movies.
He Tweeted support for J.K. Rowling who herself was re-tweeting Andrea Dworkin.
Who herself was a gay activist. The retweet said, “it isn’t hateful for women to speak about their own experiences, nor do they deserve shaming for doing so.”

J.K. Rowling is under attack because she dared to say that there was a difference between biological women and trans women.
Seems like a no brainer to anyone with a damn brain.
What made it worst is that she did not apologize. She went on to say “I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth,” she tweeted.
She is right but what they want to do is what all left-wing extreme groups do. They insist on bullying you into a fake apology.
In other words they attempt to shame you into submission.
Facts and reality is clearly on your side but I be damn if you are going to say it out loud.
The left-wing media terrorist groups want to intimidate you into proclaiming a lie that you know is a lie.
Stephen king is just the latest coward that gives into this insanity.
Drew Brees apologized after saying “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.
So why can’t Drew Brees say what is on his mind. But BLM and the rest of the so-called “woke” morons will tell you when to be offended.
So J.K Rowling has been supporting the woke crowd for a long time but that does not matter.
The most protected species on the face of the earth are Gay people.
Especially in the West where it is almost a crime to act like a damn man.
This does not mean you hate gays, it is matter of you having a right to speak your mind.
Can it really be argued that a man born with a penis can start calling himself a woman, and Abracadabra he is a woman.
It does not matter what his mind is telling him. He is not nor will he ever be a woman. That isn’t hate it is fact.
J.K. Rowling said If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.
She is absolutely correct. If there is not such thing as the male sex or female sex. Why are people going around saying same-sex marriage?
They want to call it gender now because if they say sex, it destroys their argument.
If people really love these so-called trans people they should start by being honest with them.
Telling people lies not to hurt their feelings is not love, it is more like hate.
Especially when the suicide rate among gays and trans are so much higher.
Now they want to argue that the suicide rate is high because of hateful people.
Every show that you watch on television is promoting gays in a good light.
Which is simply not true.
No more than pretending that all whites, or all blacks are good.
The Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe who plays Harry on the movies.
Well hell I guess their is no more damn debate since Harry Potter said so right?
Stephen King had to have the Trans Mafia stick words in his mouth and force him to say something I don’t believe he really believes.
He tweeted “Yes. Trans women are women
This reminds me of the abusive husband that beats his wife, and then ask her, “do you love me?”
What do you expect her to say when you just blacken her eyes.
But it really is not exactly the same because the abused wife may fear her life.
Stephen King, J.K. Rowling and Daniel Radcliffe only fear the backlash of the Gay Mafia.
They don’t need the money, but the Gay Mafia, and the left-wing groups are so aggressive.
Most people will just say it is not worth the headache.
Most grownups today remind me of children who wanted to hangout with the popular crowd.
But these Gay Mafia, Trans Groups, Black Lives Matter are not the most popular.
They are what my 6 grade teacher called the empty wagons. She would say “the empty wagon makes the most noise.”
Fill it up with something and it does not make so much noise.
It has also been said that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
If Christians, and Conservatives are supposed to be the silent majority.
We better start being more vocal, or they will destroy this country if it is not already to late.
This made up controversy started with a woman named Maya Forstater.
Maya did not have her contract renewed when she dare speak her mind through tweets.
The government of the UK was starting a new program that allowed people to choose their own gender.
She dared to speak the truth and the facts.
She said that certificates that declare a man is a woman does not make him a woman.
It is a factual statement, but the trans terrorist and left-wing nut jobs say it is homophobic to say it.
A vile so-called employment judge rebuked her.
She was saying that she was wrongly terminated for stating her opinion.
May I add that her opinion was indeed a fact.
But when facts are offensive to the left they will attack you like wild animals.
The BBC article quotes the judge as saying.
“The approach is not worthy of respect in a democratic society.”
Common Sense is dead and she will not be coming back to life.
So lets just look at somethings that make women women and men men.
First of all can a so-called trans woman have a menstrual cycle?
The answer is a emphatic no. You can call a cow a Chevy Malibu but it does not make it so.
Men produce sperm. Can any so-called trans man ever produce sperm.
If I declare that I’m a 747 will Delta Airlines place me in their flight rotation?
The answer is a emphatic no.
And since men do not have a menstrual cycle. It means that the chances of a male born species becoming pregnant is zero to the infinity power.
It will never happen, period end of story, finito.
Another difference is the chromosome make up. While all humans have 46 chromosomes. A woman will have 46 XX chromosomes. While men will have 23 X chromosomes, and 23 Y chromosomes.
There are rare occasions where this in not so.
So tell me how a grown man can become a woman by merely declaring it.
If he declares that money shall rain from the heavens, will it be so?
Before this madness of transgender came along.
If the police found a dead body that was decomposed.
Even if it had no tissue on the body, they could determine if it was male or female.
We can partly blame the women movement that declared men and women where the same.
I believe if a woman does the same job as a man she should get the same pay.
But what we have seen with firefighters, police officers, and even in the military.
They lower the physical standards to allow women in.
If my life or my love ones life is in jeopardy. I do not want someone getting the job based on sex, color, or anything but skills.
I want the most qualified person that is professional enough to simple do their jobs.
So J.K. Rowling is getting a dose of who the left-wing extremist really are.
The Gays want to high jack every organization. They did it with the Boy Scouts.
They have done it with churchs, and sports.
Men completing with women because most of the time they can’t beat the men.
Now they have high jacked the women’s movement.
Yes Common Sense has died.
May he or she rest in peace.