Monday rally planned to support U.S. Rep. John Conyers
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also has called for an investigation into the allegations by the House Ethics Committee.
But people around Conyers have begun to push back against he allegations, calling one of the accusers an “opportunist” who allowed her daughter to also work in Conyers’ office. And now, the rally on Monday will feature some of Detroit’s most influential leaders, including the Rev. Charles Adams of the Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, where the rally will be held, NAACP Detroit chapter President Rev. Wendell Anthony, as well as several members of the Wayne County Commission and the state House of Representatives.
Gay-Dagnogo said she was particularly disheartened to see some members of the Michigan delegation, including: U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga of Holland, Debbie Dingell of Dearborn, Sander Levin of Royal Oak and Dan Kildee of Flint Township, calling on Conyers to resign.
“They don’t live here. They haven’t asked us,” she said. “For the delegation from Michigan to not even check in with folks of the district and automatically take the position of Nancy Pelosi is just wrong.”
She also said the people in the district are dismayed by the differences in the way other members of Congress accused of sexual misconduct, such as U.S. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, are being treated.
“We always see a difference when the leader is a person of color. There’s a rush to judgement,” Gay-Dagnogo said. “It tells us that African Americans are disposable and that’s why people are not engaged in the political process. We’re just used to help carry the vote and we’re not going to accept that anymore.”
Conyers’ wife, Monica Conyers, is also expected to be at the rally, which will begin at 11 a.m. at the church, 18700 James Couzens in Detroit.
Conyers has been hospitalized since last week, after complaining of shortness of breath and dizziness. His attorney, Arnold Reed, said Friday that the congressman will make a decision in the next few days on whether to resign, stay in office through the end of his term at the end of 2018, or run for reelection next year.