By: Elmer Williams
In the past, people who were not citizens didn’t want everyone to know. Most
immigrants worked diligently on becoming citizens. The tides have turned
because the teachers can see who is and isn’t an American citizen by logging in
on their school websites. They know we are educating other countries’ citizens.
We give these law-breakers free lunch, free health care, and a free education.
I’m thinking about quitting my job since the government is promoting failure
and handouts.
I can’t blame the illegal aliens. I blame all the wimpy politicians and lawmakers
for not having the guts to stop the invasion. And if the police stop someone
who may be illegal, they can’t ask if he or she is a citizen because they may
be sued for being racist. According to the Center for Immigration Studies in
Los Angeles, some ([i]) “ruthless Salvadoran prison gang members have snuck back into town after having been deported for such crimes as murder, shootings, and drug trafficking.”
I’m not talking about shoplifting and jaywalking. Some of these individuals are
committing violent crimes. And get this: police officers know who they are and
know that their mere presence in the country is a felony, but no officer dares
arrest these felons because there are laws in place, such as the sanctuary
policies, that prevent any officer from reporting immigration violations. Think
how ridiculous that sounds. It’s almost as if the government is trying to get
us all killed.
What makes anyone think terrorists don’t have the idea to cross through Mexico
and try to kill us all? It’s as if the world has gone mad. This wouldn’t make
any sense even to a ten-year-old, so we must ask why the government allows this
to take place. Again, political correctness is one of the problems because
these spineless politicians can’t stand the pressure from the Hispanic
organizations. They don’t have the backbone, courage, or fortitude to stand up
and do the right thing. We give them free healthcare and welfare assistance and
some people say it’s great that we can help the disenfranchised.
I have a question for you: how is it fair for citizens of this country to work
their whole lives, pay taxes, put money into social security, and save in their
401K plans just to see someone who hasn’t followed the laws and paid taxes get
free stuff? How about we take half of all Congress salaries and pensions and
half of the salaries of people who believe this is a great idea and donate them
to the poor and downtrodden to help these lawbreakers? This can be a little
annoying to hardworking taxpayers who are constantly being told that we can’t
afford tax cuts.
They say, “Don’t you have compassion for people? They love their families and want to make a better life for them.” Guess what? They don’t love their families any more than most Americans love theirs. Isn’t it the representatives’ job to protect each American’s right to the pursuit of happiness? They were elected to represent the people of this
country but they do a better job of representing people from other countries. Think
about how much money we’re spending on taking care of people from other counties.
Lynn M. Struter wrote an article on newswithviews.com that details the cost of illegal aliens. The article says ([ii]) we spend “$11 billion to $22 billion on other forms of welfare programs.” “Another $2.2 billion on food assistance programs such as WIC food stamps and free lunches.” “$2.5 billion a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.” “$12 billion a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally.” “$17 billion a year is spent on education for American-born children of illegal aliens.” And “$3 million is spent a day to incarcerate illegal aliens.”
Struter goes on to discuss the over one million sex crimes per year committed by illegal aliens. Just because some of them want to make a better life for their families, twelve Americans a day die at the hands of illegal immigrants. Some politicians hope that if they legalize these immigrants, they will feel indebted enough to keep voting them into their sacred positions.
George W. Bush thought the guest worker program was a good idea. First of all, the illegal aliens are not guests because a guest is an invited person or party. They are lawbreakers who have not followed the laws of the land, so the guest worker program is a contradiction in itself.
Now that Barack Obama is taking over the country—and I mean literally taking over—he has shoved health-care down our throats and has tried to force us to pay for other people’s children. He wants to start the process of legalizing all the lawbreakers by giving them full citizenship. We don’t have the money to pay for all these wonderful ideas, but who cares as long as we feel good? I have never seen so many people work so hard to try to legitimize people who insist on breaking the law. I’m sorry, but
we are not saving any money on the cheap labor or the jobs that Americans don’t
want to do. Americans on welfare can be taken off food stamps and government assistance and be given these jobs. If we tell them we are going to help them get on their feet while they work, one of the requirements is that they must work. We are going to teach them life skills so they will learn how to fish and not always depend on someone else.
[i] Crime & the Illegal Alien: The Fallout from Crippled Immigration Enforcement. By Heather Mac Donald June 2004 @ Center for Immigration Studies, http://www.cis.org/IllegalAliensCrime
[ii] Seattle Times Soft on Illegal Alien Criminals- By
Lynn Stuter- April 15, 2008. on NewsWithViews http://www.newswithviews.com/Stuter/stuter123.htm