During his February 22 CPAC speech NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre suggested leftists are too focused on pushing gun control to redirect their energies and fight for school safety.
LaPierre said, “The elites don’t care one wit about school children. If they truly cared, they would protect them.”
He suggested a hatred for the NRA is the only passion leftists hold as strongly as they hold gun control.
The bowls are making her fat I’m sure right? Blame everything but the person.
LaPierre said, “It’s not a safety issue, it’s a political issue. They care more about control. Their goal is to eliminate the Second Amendment and our firearms freedoms so they can eliminate all individual freedoms.”
He contrasted this approach with that of the NRA, saying, “They don’t care if their laws work or not. They just want get more laws to get more control over people. But the NRA, the NRA does care.”
The car got him drunk I’m sure.
On February 19 Breitbart News reported on the NRA’s National School Shield, a campus security program built on the NRA’s commitment to keep students safe. The program rests on the NRA maxim that “the only thing that stops a bad buy with a gun is a good guy with gun,” It includes training, installation, and acquaintance with certain communications equipment, surveillance methods, protocols, and security measures (including weapons training where apropos).