By: The Doctor Of Common Sense
So Andrew Gillum the former Tallahassee mayor was caught in a hotel room with a queer escort.
There was a third man who called the police because Gillum, and the escort Travis Dyson.
Was to out of it to response to the police.
Remember that Andrew Gillum agreed to pay $5,000 in ethics fines.
His college friend by the name of Adam Corey supposedly introduced, Gillum to an under cover FBI agent.

That gave Gillum tickets to a Broadway Show of Hamilton during a trip to New York City in 2016.
Now Gillum is in the news for getting caught in a hotel with a gay escort, who overdosed on Meth.

In a picture Andrew Gillum and Adam Corey is seen, and it reminds me of another gay looking pick of Obama, and his Pakistan “friend”.
If you know what I mean by “friend”. That’s gay, friend with benefits.

Don’t forget that Gillum was supposed to be the next Obama.
Well I guess he is starting off to be just like Obama.
Some of you may have forgotten that a gay man named Larry Sinclair wrote a book called Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

In that book and in interviews he has stated that he had sex and snorted drugs while Barack Obama smoked crack cocaine.
This all happened in the back seat of a limousine in 1999 while Obama was in the Illinois State Senate.
Also you may remember Donald Young was the gay choir director who Obama is accused of having a relationship with.

He was murdered 2007 right before Obama was elected.
His mother Norma Jean Young believes he was killed to protect Barack Obama.

According to reports Andrew Gillum was found in a Miami Hotel with a male escort.
When the police arrived he was found
vomiting and intoxicated.

It was reported that Travis Dyson was on the bed having problems breathing.
When a 3rd man by the name of Aldo Mejias showed up he called the police.
Gillum says he was in Miami for a wedding celebration.

The gay escort/ pornstar/ gay massage practitioner says he knows nothing about a wedding.
Gillum is quoted as saying “While I had too much to drink, I want to be clear that I have never used methamphetamines.”
Do you believe him?
I don’t believe him at all, but I do have some more questions that I would like to ask.
What was this one-time gubernatorial candidate doing in the hotel with a gay escort who had overdosed on Crystal Meth?

Was the wedding at the hotel?
How did these 3 men in up in the hotel together?
What had Gillum and the gay escort being doing all day?

And lastly what was the plans for the rest of the night, for the 3 of you?
He said it has been a wakeup call for him.
Was it a wakeup call because you were busted with drugs, and a gay escort?
Could it be a wake up call because you don’t know how in the hell you are going to be able to explain this to your wife, and three kids?

My advice to the wife is to leave now, before you come home one day, and find the pool boy in bed with your husband.
Mr. Gillum why don’t you just come on out of the freaking closet girlfriend!
The handwriting is on the wall. Gillum is as queer as RuPaul.

The police found 3 bags of suspected crystal meth in the room.
But no one went to jail.
It’s always about who you know.
How is it that the police is called to the hotel. Travis Dyson is rushed to the hospital because he has taking drugs.
The police find at least 3 residue bags of Meth in the room.
Gillum could not even talk to the police because he is under the influence of something.
He says it was alcohol, but I don’t think that alcohol was the only thing in his system.

Why didn’t the police test him, because he was clearly out of it?
They let him go home, and I’m not sure as to how in the hell he got home.
It is also telling that CNN who he is a paid contributor for. Has been silent on the story.
If this had been a republican, or someone associated with Donald Trump.
CNN would have been reporting this 24/7.
Why is it that the New York Times, MSNBC, or any other Liberal so-called News outlet have not really covered this?
Because they are not interested in real news. Especially if it does not fit their agenda.
Here you have the next Barack Obama. A rising star in the Democratic Party.
He lost to Gov. Ron DeSantis by less than a half percentage point in the 2018 gubernatorial race.

As Joe Biden would say “This is a big F**king Deal”.

These are the same news media that cover the phony Russian Dossier for 3 years.
Many still believe that it is authentic.
Christopher Steele a former British Spy, was paid by the democrats, mainly Hillary Clinton to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.

You want me to believe that our most sophisticated intel community organizations like the CIA, and the FBI.
Where hoodwinked by this hearsy, and third-hand gossip?

I’m not buying it at all. It is the job of these so-called News Media establishments to research stories.
They are supposed to follow the facts wherever they lead.
But most come to their conclusion first. Then they preach the narratives, with the tenacity of a wild starving animal.

They where wrong about the Russian Collusion. They where wrong about the 2016 Election results.

They where wrong about the Obama Administration being scandal free, and corrupt.

They where wrong about Hillary Clinton lying about her email server.

They were wrong and attempted to cover up the Benghazi scandal.
James Comey who is a wannabe man of integrity. Lied about if Hillary should have been prosecuted.

He lied under oath at least twice.
He and Andrew McCabe both lied under oath.
The FBI wanted Donald Trump to lose the Election, and he did not.
The Media, the then leaders at the FBI, CIA, DOJ are still upset with the 2016 Election Results.
They should have been doing their damn jobs, by prosecuting and reporting what Hillary Clinton really did.
Peter Strzok and Lisa Pages text message would have been enough to get any other citizen prosecuted.
The media ignored all these stories, and I could list many more.
But do you think that if this was, say Ted Cruz that this happened to, or Ben Carson.
Would the media be this silent, on one of the republican rising stars caught in a hotel room with a gay, overdosed, porn escort?
The answer is HELL NO!
There is no logical explanation that Gillum can give for as to why he was there.

Okay he was in town for a wedding.
Was the wedding at the hotel?
Travis Dyson is on record as saying, he knows nothing about a wedding.
But on RentMen, his profile name is Brodie Scott.

He says “I like kissing and foreplay… lots of kissing and foreplay. I enjoy my nipple rings lightly played with. Mutual touch and intimacy goes a long way.”
So my question to Mr. Gillum is, was there lots of kissing going on in the room?
And please don’t tell me he knew nothing about the drugs that Dyson took.

If the police had did their jobs, and took him in for questioning, and gave him a drug test.
I bet you a right arm that he would have tested positive for Meth or whatever the gay massage therapist/ escort had in his system.
But Obama the 2nd, aka Gillum says he wants to take the next few weeks with his family, and he would appreciate some privacy during this time.

Well Mr. Meth taking, gay escort loving, nipple ring playing with, CNN contributor, and next Barrack Obama.
You are the next contestant on I’m a closet queer.

While I do not agree with the gay life style, you have a right to choice that.
But why get married?
If you are the type of guy that love when men, hide their Johnson’s in your hide quarters.
Just come clean and say that.
But he did want the people in Florida to know that he apologizes for the distraction that this has caused “our movement”.
Well technically speaking, this is part of “your movement”.
Homosexuality is celebrated all day, and every day with the democrats.

Most democrats believe that drugs should be legal, and that criminals should be let out of jail.
They are doing it in California, and New York now.

There is one idiot who had been arrested 139 times in New York, and these jackasses think it is a good idea to keep letting him out of jail.
Charles Barry is 56 years old, and lives in New York.
He has at least 6 felonies that we know about, and as been arrested 139 times.

But I’m sure if we arrest him 145 times he will finally be reformed.
He said “Bail Reform is lit”. If you don’t know street lingo. That means that Mr Barry loves being able to break the damn law.
BTW he thanked the democrats for passing this law so he can keep getting out of jail.
Does the so-called News outlets seem to be outraged?
Absolutely not!
When you take all of their insanity to it’s final conclusion.
These are the the finale results. Criminals are good, and law abiding citizens are bad.
No one is responsible for their action.
Everyone has their own truth!

You have these elected morons get on the telly, and say it is racist not to lock up criminals.
Which is racist in and of itself. Are they saying only minorities break the law?
I do believe people can be reformed, but Charles Barry is not one of them.
But even if you are part of the media elites. Shouldn’t you be just a little suspicious that 3 gay men died within 40 days of each other. All were associated with Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama.
All 3 may have attended Jeremiah Wright’s church.

The same Trinity United Church of Christ that Obama attended for 20 years.
The same media wants us to believe that Obama did not know that “Mr. God-dam America was a racist.
The same media that hid the pictures, and relationships that Obama had with Louis Farrakhan.
One of the men Larry Bland who was gay. He was murdered on November 17, 2007.
Donald Young who’s mother says her son had a relationship with Mr Hope and Change.
I bet they exchanged many fluids together.
Mr. Young was found in a Chicago Apartment full of bullet holes.
Then you also have Nate Spencer who reportedly died of pneumonia, and HIV complications.
But this is the same media that was so outraged with President Trump’s phone call with the Ukraine president.

But when Hillary and Obama allowed 4 Americans to be killed in Benghazi.
Hillary even while being questioned by the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee said, “What Difference Does It Make”.

It makes a difference because 4 Americans died, and no one in the media seems to want answers.
Also Hillary Clinton is supposed to be the most qualified candidate to ever run for office.
But you mean she was to stupid not to put her server where everyone including the Russians could hack into it?

You also want me to believe that Obama’s FBI, led by the crooked James Comey really investigated Hillary Clinton?
What about all the corruption in the Clinton Foundation, that was not properly investigated?
Did the media do their jobs and question this?
But this is the same media that was outraged by, the fake Russian Collusion.
But Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the incompetent Bob Mueller signed off on the Russian Uranium One Deal.

Now the liberal media wants you to think that this is some Rightwing Conspiracy.
They also say that Hillary could not have stopped the Uranium One Deal.
Some fact checking sites even admit that Obama could have stopped the deal.
But one thing that none of the media can deny, is that the Clinton Foundation profited off the deal.
It is reported that the Clinton Foundation received $145 million.

PolitiFact a so-called fact checking site goes out of it’s way to make the storying untrue.
They pretend as if the details are to murky.
They go on to describe the 20% percentage not being quite right.
But even they could not deny that the Obama Administration are the ones who approved the deal.
That included the CFIUS Panel.
That also included the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Energy, Homeland Security, and the U.S. Trade Representative.
All of this happened under the Obama Administration.
But the Clinton Foundation received the most money.
So why did the media not talk about this?
This is the same reason they are silent on Gillum being a drug addicted, closet homosexual.

I thought they celebrated gayness!
Why was the LGBTQ, and the Media silent when at least 2 gay black men were brutally murdered in Chicago?
Both have links to Barack Obama. Even if you say the third victim died of natural causes.
Why no outrage of the 2 gay men that were murdered?
You can’t say anything negative about gays if you have a large platform.
Look at how they attacked the CEO of Chick-fil-a. All he said was that he believed in traditional marriage.
The LGBTQ had kiss-ins at Chick-fil-a stores, and some even did videos in protest.

But 2 gay black men are brutally murdered, and the LGBTQ, and the media is silent.
Please name me one society that has ever been built, and lasted who glorified homosexuality?
I don’t hate gay people, I actually think some are very good citizens.
But does that make them right about homosexuality?
Anything that is supposed to be this right, and natural.
You would think that at least you would have one case of 2 gays having a child with no outside help from others humans.
Why is it that a media that says you should be able to do, and say anything under Free Speech?
The media that promotes coming out of the closet. The media that says it is a woman’s choice to kill a baby, that she willfully conceived in most cases.
This same media says “you can’t say that” if it offends the LGBTQ.

Does anyone care when Christians are offended?
Bill Maher has said all types of insulting things about Christian, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the God of the bible.
Bill Maher once said “It’s always great to use logic on psychopathic murderers because it’s so effective, but I hate to be the skunk at the garden party, but that’s why religion is dangerous because it’s completely f***ing made-up. So that anybody can put anything they want on it, including horrific s***.”

He also said “I’m not convinced there was ever a historical figure named Jesus Christ.”
Did the media seemed outraged at him for insulting God-fearing Americans?
Hell No!
But if you or I say I disagree with same-sex marriage. If you say the gay life style goes against the principles of God.
Then you are and intolerant bigot, that needs to die.
Also you should not be allowed to be on any Social Media platform.
If you have a syndicated show, the advertisers should be harassed until they are beat to death with the politically correct stick.
So why have they not covered this story about this Obama protege Andrew Gillum?

Who from everything that you read, hired a gay male escort, and was doing drugs in a Chicago Hotel.
How is that not breaking news?
The gay escort overdosed on Meth, and Gillum was so damn high, and drunk that the police could not get a coherent statement out of him.
But the police decide to let him go home. Who in the hell drove him hime is my question?
Because he was in no shape to drive.
But that’s the media for you. They strain out a gnat, and swallow a camel.