GOP Sen Murkowski: ‘We Should Not Repeal Without a Replacement,’ Becomes Third GOP Vote Against Repeal Then Replace
While speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) came out against the plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it later, making her the third GOP vote against the plan and putting it below the number of votes it needs to pass.
Murkowski said of the motion to proceed on the repeal now and replace later plan, “I’m not there.”
When asked if she would vote against the motion to proceed, Murkowski responded, “I said in January, we should not repeal without a replacement, and just an indefinite hold on this just creates more chaos and confusion.”
Murkowski joins Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and of Shelley Moore Capito West Virginia in opposing the plan to repeal now and replace later. The three Republican no votes mean that without Democratic support, the repeal now and replace later plan does not have the votes to pass.