“Satanic Altar” Planned Parenthood’s President Says “We Believe In Every Persons Right To Live” After DACA Stopped
“The Trump administration just announced a plan to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — an attack that will leave 800,000 young people who have grown up in this country at risk of deportation, including members of the Planned Parenthood community,” Richards said in the letter. “I’m infuriated. I’m heartbroken.”
“We are resolved to fight back against this cruel and heartless decision — and I hope you are, too,” she continued.
“Here at Planned Parenthood, we firmly believe that every person has the right to live, work, and raise a family freely and without the threat of deportation or separation.”
Wouldn’t the the right to live, include the right not to be killed in the womb, Ms. Richards?
Planned Parenthood should be the last organization talking about the right to live as one pleases in a country they’re in illegally, especially since they’re the biggest violators of the right to life at the most fundamental level.
Ms. Richards’ organization has racked up all manner of faux pas these past few years, including some damaging revelations on camera. This one probably won’t garner as much attention as those, but it should. After all, it’s one of the rare occasions that the folks at America’s top abortion mill were willing to admit that, yes, there is a right to life.
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