Liberals have always found ways to destroy that which was good. Look at California which is a beautiful state. Jerry Brown and liberals have demolished the state. Look at Detroit, and Chicago! We have the perfect shirt to describe liberals and their destructive ways.
(1) A song that has been popular since the late sixties sums up our attitude today: My Way” by Frank Sinatra. The hippie era of Woodstock set off an avalanche of depravity that we have not yet recovered from. Woodstock was supposed to be about peace and love, but if we examine the festival and its attendees more closely, we see that it was really about sex, drugs, and rebellion against God. The Occidental Observer quoted Wavy Gravy (whose real name is Hugh Romney), one of the MCs at the festival, as saying, The whole world was watching us, and we had a chance to show the world how it could be if we ran things.
Well they are in charge now.
Liberals are the scum of the earth.
- Whatever Happen To Common Sense: Copyright 2011: ET Williams
turee60 says
Speaking of liberals my sister read a newspaper article written by Leonad Pitts a writer for the Miami Hearald. He thinks it is the conservatives that are causing all the trouble in this country. I will paste a copy of the article as soon as I get a copy from my sister!
usakindatheart says
Hmmmm, 60’s were okay, they helped liberate and change how women were treated in court. Problem is in the 80’s, feminism extremist hijacked the movement, and stopped making it about taking care of families, and turned it into a psychological warfare against men and other women who are fulfilled in the role of homemaker and mom, and on top of that the sick push to abort your child, BECAUSE it’s life STOpS you from fulfilling your career dreams. Which is nonsense. The 80’s feminist extremist are in power positions now, that are political, be it judges or legislature, and the worst part is most lgbt leaders own stock in opeq, pharmaceuticals, especially plan b, planned parenthood, and stock in factories that make abortion supplies.
So of course they r going to push abortion, it’s all about the money!
Big Bad Wolf says
I am not sure about this ” helped liberate and change how women were treated in court.”
LBJ added sex to Affirmative Action, the legislation was never meant for that.
He needed the votes, the Marxist failed at world revolution after WW1 so adapted Gramsci’s long march through the institutions, braking the family unit with women voting (biologically they lean more to socialism), no fault divorce etc.
Middle class white women (by far the greatest benefactors last 40 years) filled the universities to be indoctrinated by leftist professors and feminists, the long range goal was to over turn the patriarchy into what they now have, a matriarchal feminized society.
With ‘black’ Americans (too rural and self sufficient) , it took a while but sufficient migrations to the north, automation and de-industrialization they them colonized into big city ghettos. Once there (being smaller in number allowed for) the leftists liberal social experimentation under the brutal force of the expanding welfare state wiped out the family unit in about a generation resulting in a permanent underclass voting block subject to the whims of the welfare state.
This final stage is after 50 years of give us your tired and poor as opposed to the best with its chained immigration to form a coalition of poor white/brown/black managed by middle class liberal indoctrinated graduated as the managers of the whole friggin mess grinding America into a final two class communist system. No upward mobility except by subservience to the party leaders and their goals (meritocracy will be a thing of the past).
Once America is gone, UN dominance, Agenda 21, the whole nine yards, worldwide plantation.
Its all in their books, documents, hell they even come out and tell you in so many words when they are feeling cocky.
Bill Clinton gave a famous speech at a university preaching unicorns and rainbows when we can all be one peaceful happy browned out planet.
That’s the code for y’all be pulling our (small elite class) plow.
This is why Trump is so dangerous to them and nationalism is such a dirty word. They try and convince you nationalism leads to war, as if there ever has been no wars. Under communism they just murder you by the millions, for a variety of reasons from depopulation, their mismanagement’s, or like with the Spartans over the Helots, a fear of a few smart enough might overthrow your ass so shear down every other generation.
TRUMP 2016 or BUST
jasonc65 says
Liberals are zombies. Zombies ate their brains.