Deputies Will Not Get Bulletproof Vests Because Liberals Sheriff Wants To Protect Illegals
Don’t Tell Me She Does Not Look Like The Cat People From A Stephen King Movie
They are twins damit!
Once again Liberals have no concern for the welfare of Americans. Having the deputies shot and killed is better than deporting an illegal.’
Seniorita Hernandez doesn’t want to comply with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement? Surprise, surprise. Stop allowing multi-national third world people and advocates to populate the ranks of our administrations! Doing so is national suicide.
Sheriffs are supposed to enforce the law, that is their job. I assume that this sheriff took an oath to that effect after she was elected. Now she refuses to sign a letter pledging to enforce the law. Is this not grounds for impeachment? A sheriff does not have the right to decide which laws to enforce and which ones to ignore. This sheriff is the one making a political statement, not the governor.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced in January that Texas would fund $23 million in grants to purchase new vests for approximately 450 law enforcement agencies around the state. KXAN-TV reports:
Travis County did not apply for the grant because one condition from the governor’s office required the agency to “sign a letter confirming compliance with ICE detainer requests both now and during the grant term of at least one year,” according to Travis County Commissioner’s Court records.
The recommendations from the state said, “It is anticipated the number of fatal shootings will be reduced by equipping more officers with type III & IV body armor.”
Intentionally putting another’s life in jeopardy for political purposes most definitely is deserving of a long prison sentence – she has arguably committed an act of domestic terrorism, by its very definition.
Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez refuses to give her deputies rifle-resistance vests funded by the state because she would have to commit to holding arrested illegal aliens for deportation.
This Democrat sheriff is putting the lives of criminals over the lives of police.
If Sheriff Hernandez loses an officer whose life could have been saved by one of these vests, I hope there is a special place in HeII for her. I also hope there is someone in the officer’s family willing to send her there prematurely.
She is playing politics with these men’s lives. But then again, it is not unlike her Washington counterparts who lets the Government shut down over the DACA illegal immigrants. These Democrats are firmly in it for the manufacture of immigrant voters.
SOUND OFF in the comment section what you think about this decision by this Texas sheriff and how will if affect their community.
She needs to be Hung!