CNN has published a stinging fact check of the Trump Administration, exposing several falsehoods in a joke that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made Tuesday about salad dressing.
During the afternoon’s White House press briefing, Spicer made a quip about conspiracy theories that U.S. President Donald Trump is an agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin — recruited via blackmail in 2013 — and how the professional journalists who believe this conspiracy might add consumption of “Russian dressing” to their pile of circumstantial evidence.
Case closed? Hardly. CNN’s Michelle Krupa dug deep and found that ACKSHUALLY, Russian dressing has no direct connection to the country that hacked our election. Krupa penned a fact check headlined “Russian dressing is actually from Nashua, New Hampshire”:
“If the President puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that’s a Russia connection,” Sean Spicer said.
Thing is, Russian dressing isn’t Russian. (Also, it’s really not for salads, but more of a sandwich spread — usually a Reuben.)
The mayo and ketchup concoction — often dressed up with horseradish and spices — was created in Nashua, New Hampshire.
This is not the first literal-minded fact check of Trump or his administration, but it could end up in the hall of fame — along with these winners from Krupa’s peers:
• Both CNN and NBC News called BS in the second presidential debate of 2016 after Trump said that Hillary Clinton “acid washed” her email server — for, instead of literally washing the device with acid, her tech team merely used a program called “BleachBit” to delete the server’s data.
• The Associated Press “fact checked” Trump’s opinion that actress Meryl Streep is overrated.
• In the inverse of this phenomenon, PolitiFact has called two statements from Trump “half true” and “mostly false,” even though the articles concede that the claims and numbers he put forward are accurate.