3 Perverted Men Charged With 1,460 Counts Of Sex With Animals! Another Man Says Horse Winked At Him
Shoot The SOB’s
3 Perverted Men Charged With 1460 Counts Of Sex With Animals! Another Man Says Horse Winked At Him
Three Pennsylvania men have been arrested and charged with 1,460 counts of “sexual intercourse with animals,” in addition to animal abuse and endangering the welfare of children, according to Clearfield County District Attorney.
In what District Attorney William A. Shaw, Jr described as one of the “most extreme cases of animal abuse,” the three suspects were detained after a search at their makeshift farm last week, authorities announced on Monday. Bail was set at $100,000 each for Terry Wallace, 41, Matthew Brubaker, 32, and Marc Measnikoff, 34.
Authorities conducted the search following a tip-off from a “16-year-old juvenile male” who was reportedly living with the trio, and has since been taken into protective custody. “Right now we don’t believe the juvenile was sexually victimized,” Shaw said, although the suspects were still charged with “endangering the welfare of children.”
Information obtained from the 16-year old led State Police to believe that that the accused had sex with a number of animals, including dogs, horses, a cow and a goat. Allegedly, a specially designed V-shaped pen was used to facilitate the sexual intercourse. A substantial number of homemade videos of the acts were seized during the search on August 18.
Authorities are working to determine the extent of any mental or physical abuse to which the teenager may have been exposed. A Clearfield County Jail judge will preside over the preliminary hearings on Wednesday.
Man who had sex with horse claims filly winked to give consent
An Australian man has been jailed for having sex with a horse. Daniel Raymond Webb-Jackson, 31, told the New South Wales court the 2-year-old filly gave consent by smelling his crotch and winking at him.
Webb-Jackson pleaded not guilty to committing an act of cruelty to an animal after being caught at the stables of a Grafton horse trainer on January 22. The trainer installed CCTV cameras in the stables following a string of disturbances in the previous month.
When Webb-Jackson broke in to the stables, he triggered an alarm and was subsequently spotted on camera by the horse trainer opening a number of stalls. Police were called and they found Webb-Jackson hiding in the corner of the fourth open stall. After a short fracas he was arrested. The trainer told the Magistrate’s Court that the filly had been left “traumatised” by the incident.
“The filly went from being quiet to just being highly strung, she changed in 24 hours. We had to put her in the paddock to try and get her head right,” the trainer told the Grafton Daily Examiner. “You don’t want to see this sort of thing happening, it’s really sick stuff.”
In her judgment, Magistrate Karen Stafford said the two sexual acts — allowing a horse to fellate Webb-Jackson and digitally penetrating the horse — amounted to acts of cruelty, jailing Webb-Jackson for 10 months with a non-parole period of four months. He was also fined $700, but could be eligible for release as early as next week thanks to time served.
Webb-Jackson dodged a charge of bestiality, which in NSW can land a person in prison for up to for 14 years.
The only way we are going to stop this type of thing is to reinstate the death penalty for sex with minors and chemical castration for all other including these freaks.
I would like to know what has happened to men. They seem to have lost all control and become worse than animals.
The only way we are going to stop this type of thing is to reinstate the death penalty for sex with minors and chemical castration for all other including these freaks.
I would like to know what has happened to men. They seem to have lost all control and become worse than animals.