YouTube Shooter Is Iran And A Left-Winger That Was Upset That They Ripped Her Off
She Is Right That YouTube Are A Bunch Of Damn Communist Dictators.
Nasim Najafi Aghdam, the 39-year-old woman who committed Wednesday’s shooting at YouTube’s headquarters, had a history of posting bizarre and radical videos.
Aghdam reportedly had her own website with links to multiple YouTube channels and an Instagram account that expressed a devotion to veganism and a personal grudge against YouTube for allegedly censoring leftist content.
In one video, Aghdam accuses the video sharing site of discriminating against her content and unfairly demonetizing her videos.
“I am being filtered,” she said in the video. “They age restricted my ab workout video — a video that has nothing bad in it, nothing sensual. Why do that? Because it got famous.”
“This is what they are doing to vegan activists and many others who try to promote healthy, humane, and smart living,” she continued. “People like me are not good for big businesses… that’s why they are discriminating and censoring us.”
In another disturbing video, Aghdam sings about being vegan in front of various green screen backgrounds. In one scene, she pretends to smash a rabbit trap with a metal shovel.
“They’re our nightmare everywhere. Don’t know when this madness is gonna be over,” she sings. “They only want meat, egg, milk, skin, even if it’s torture, murder. Don’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t, warn you.”
“They’ll tell you I’m insane ’cause you know I hate the meat,” it continues.
In other videos, such as a Nicki Minaj parody, she rants against “unhealthy” lifestyles involving alcohol and casual sex.
YouTube Shooting Fails To Conform To Gun Control Narrative
A mass shooting happened Tuesday at YouTube’s headquarters in California, and it might be impervious to politicization.
An animal rights activist named Nasim Aghdam allegedly wounded three people before she apparently turned the gun on herself, marking the only confirmed fatality of the day.
It’s not exactly clear at the moment why Aghdam shot up YouTube. Early reports suggested she was targeting an ex-boyfriend, but police ruled out specific targeting on Wednesday. Her father said she was upset with YouTube and one of her last videos — she made dozens of bizarre videos on the platform — complained that the tech company was demonetizing her content for being too “left-wing.”
She Was A Vegan And Animal Activist Also. What About The NRA Now Liberals?
Aghdam used a handgun in her attack, a weapon that is not in the crosshairs of gun control proponents. She’s also a woman of Iranian descent, an identity that doesn’t lend itself to left-wing narratives about the threat of angry white men.
The shooting appears to be the case of just one deranged woman taking out her anger over a perceived wrong. There’s no larger political connection here — whether it be terrorism or gun control.
However, liberals were very eager to politicize the shooting when it was first reported. Leading the pack, actor Michael Ian Black immediately blamed the shooting on the “terrorists” over at the National Rifle Association.
“Another shooting. I’m going to politicize the fuck out of it, and so should you,” Black said in one of his tweets. “The NRA is a terrorist organization.”
Black and others doubled down on their assertion that the NRA was at fault when challenged by critics who pointed to the lack of information available on the shooting.
“No, I don’t know who the shooter is. It doesn’t matter if they are an NRA member. Yes, I know how they got the gun: the NRA and its blood-soaked lackeys made it possible for that person to get it,” the washed up comedian explained.
Other verified Twitter users claimed the NRA directly motivated the shooter by making videos critical of YouTube. In a very civil manner, these gun control advocates asserted the gun rights group made terroristic threats to YouTube and should be responsible for all violence against the tech company.
“The NRA called for its members to ‘fire back’ at sites like YouTube and ‘overwhelm these leftists in California.’ The NRA is a terrorist organization,” tech entrepreneur Fred Benenson argued.
It’s highly unlikely that a left-wing vegan was motivated by NRATV videos. But don’t expect an apology from the journalists and celebrities who tried to make the connection anyway.
Every mass shooting in America is bound to be politicized by the Left before the blood has even dried. Regardless of circumstances, a crazed gunman is always in league with the NRA.
But when faced with facts that counter the narrative, journalists prefer to let the story die.
Aghdam’s background and motivation are too off-script to keep her rampage in the news. It’s hard to make a case for taking AR-15s away from rednecks when your perp used a handgun and makes trippy pro-vegan music videos.
In an ideal world, Americans would wait until basic facts emerge to politicize shootings. In reality, we will likely see this kind of behavior for every shooting going forward.
At least we can expect the YouTube shooting to not figure in any future left-wing narratives, unlike the Gabby Giffords shooting. The New York Times was still falsely blaming Sarah Palin in 2017 for that 2011 attack, even though the gunman was proven not to be politically motivated. That bit of fake news was just too appetizing for liberal narratives to warrant a cursory fact check. (RELATED: NYT Has Been Pushing Palin-Giffords Falsehood For Years)
While we can’t expect an apology from the people who blamed the NRA for the YouTube shooting, no major media outlet will advance their fake news.
Gun control advocates believe an assault weapons ban and a gun registry will prevent future tragedies. Tuesday’s shooting disproves that theory, so don’t be surprised when the story suddenly disappears from the front pages.
The shooter who took her own life after wounding four YouTube employees at the video hosting website’s San Bruno, California, offices on Tuesday has been identified as Nasim Aghdam in multiple reports, after being described as a “white woman in a headscarf” earlier in the day.
ABC News quotes law enforcement sources with the identification:
JUST IN: Two law enforcement sources say authorities have preliminarily identified the YouTube shooter as Nasim Aghdam, a woman with previous addresses in the Southern California cities of Riverside and San Diego.
Aghdam, said to reside in Southern California, had a long history of animal rights activism, and was quoted by the Los Angeles Times at a protest of the U.S. Marine Corps’ use of pigs to demonstrate battlefield wounds in 2009. She ran a series of very similar websites espousing vegan views.
In one video post on video hosting service Dailymotion, she claims to be from Iran in an introduction to a mock appearance on America’s Got Talent.
“There is no equal growth opportunity on YOUTUBE or any other video sharing site, your channel will grow if they want to!!!!!” she declared on one of her websites, among one of many statements criticizing the company across her other websites and extensive social media presence, sometimes using the name Nasime Sabz Yeşil Nasim.
In a February Facebook post, for instance, she decried YouTube’s “hidden policy” of “discrimination” and “suppression of truth.”
Aghdam herself had several YouTube accounts, posting dozens of videos espousing a pro-animal rights viewpoint as well as videos of herself dancing or demonstrating exercise moves in front of green screen backgrounds. Her accounts began to be locked shortly after her identification as the shooter, but screen grabs like the one below show content typical of the animal rights-focused videos.
Her websites contain statements like, “Youtube filtered my channels to keep them from getting views!” and images complaining about her revenue from her YouTube videos, implying YouTube had been diminishing her earnings:
Aghdam also appears to have maintained at least two Instagram accounts, frequently captioning her posts in her — presumably native — Persian language. She makes frequent reference to Iran and the Azeri ethnic group that resides primarily in Iran and neighboring Azerbaijan.
A post on the website of the “Interfaith Vegan Alliance” refers to her by the name Nasime Sabz, and claims she is an adherent of the Baha’i faith, which is persecuted in Iran, seeming to claim she once ran a “TV show on Persian Satellite.”
Gun Control Fail: Nasim Aghdam Used Legally Purchased, Registered Handgun in YouTube Attack
byAWR HAWKINS4 Apr 20183,219
Nasim Aghdam, 39, used a legally purchased, registered handgun to shoot innocents at YouTube headquarters on Tuesday.
She also reportedly visited a shooting range on Tuesday, prior to targeting YouTube headquarters.
That means Aghdam obtained her gun via a background check, then registered it with the state, as required by California law.
It also means that background checks and a registration requirement once again proved impotent to stop a determined attacker.
Despite the state’s tough gun control laws, Elliot Roger shot and killed three near Santa Barbara on March 23, 2014; Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot and killed 14 at a San Bernardino County Building on December 2, 2015; and Albert Wong shot and killed three innocents at the Yountville Veterans Home on March 9, 2018.
Moreover, as Breitbart News has reported, California gun control goes far beyond background checks and registration requirements. The state has an “assault weapons” ban, a 10-day waiting period of firearm purchases, a requirement that would-be gun purchasers first obtain a firearm safety certificate from the state, and a “good cause” threshold for concealed carry permit issuance.
The state also pioneered the gun violence restraining orders (GVROs) that have been pushed as a solution to high profile shootings in the wake of the February 14 high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Despite such stringent gun control, Aghdam carried a gun onto the YouTube campus; shot and wounded three innocents; then killed herself.