From Chapter 6 of The Book “Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE”
By: Elmer Williams
For a long time I didn’t believe in UFOs, but there are aliens among us—sometimes I share the road with drivers who appear to be from another planet. UFO could easily stand for Unthinking Foolish Object.
They commute to work via the same route everyday. And even if they are aware that construction is going on and will continue for the next three months, they insist on going the same way everyday. They recognize that there are five other routes that they could take to get to work, but they don’t have the common sense that God gives an ostrich and are suffering from an incurable case of tunnel vision.
There are Albert Einstein drivers that grace our streets known as rubberneckers. You know what a rubbernecker is, don’t you? A rubbernecker is someone who drives around looking for a reason to stretch his or her neck searching for accidents. I can think of a particular incident where I was driving on I-45 headed north on my way back toHouston. The traffic was absolutely horrific. Cars headed north in both directions were backed up on the feeders and freeway. I was in a hurry and thought there must be a terrible accident up ahead.
I wondered if someone was seriously injured and needed a paramedic. To my amazement, when I approached the wreck on the feeder headed north, the people headed south on the freeway were coming to a complete stop just to stare. It was only a fender bender, but these very skilled drivers were stopping to stretch their necks to see what was happening. If you want to help someone you believe may be injured, make the U-turn, get out of your vehicle, and go over and help. If not, take your elastic neck on down the road and stop holding up traffic.
Then there are the drivers who get upset at eighteen-wheelers because they think the big trucks get too aggressive. What did the eighteen-wheeler do? He sped up at the last minute and went around the car. Now, the driver of the truck is in the wrong, and two plus two equals four, but two wrongs don’t make a right. To get back at the driver of the eighteen-wheeler, this UFO will cut in front of the truck and hit their brakes. Talk about no common sense. What would make a person think that it’s a good idea to cut in front of a vehicle that carries thirty thousand to forty thousand pounds of freight at any given time? If the truck hits you, do you really think you made your point?
There are also drivers who, as soon as they see you put on your signal, speed up to prevent you from changing lanes. Get a life, people. And we wonder why road rage is so rampant. These UFOs drive more like bats coming from the pits of hell, whatever that looks like. I wonder who came up with the phrase “driving like a bat out of hell.”
Excerpt from the Book “Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE”
By: Elmer Williams