So Joe Biden and his administration said that all Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan could.
Everyone from the Pentagon to the White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said this.
We knew they where lying when they said it.
Because no American unless you are a traitor like Bowe Bergdahl, would stay in Afghan.
Some reports are saying it’s not clear what the Taliban wants.
Well it’s clear to me. What does every terrorist organization want?
They want to impose fear in their enemies.
They want power and control of others lives.
They also want to force their agenda through fear.
So now there are 6 planes being held at the Mazar-i-Sharif airport.

Some reports said that what started out as around 600 people attempting to leave.
Now they have from 1200 to 1300 people attempting to leave.
I do believe that most are not Americans, but some are.
Why not load the Americans up first and bring them home?
There is a total of six flights and all are run by Afghan airliner Kam Air.
So I hope this will not turn into a Jimmy Carter hostage situation.
Because right now the Taliban is holding planes with Americans Hostage in Northern Afghanistan!
What is the so-called president doing? I’m sure he will need to check with his handlers before answering any questions.
As we write this the Americans, and many Afghanis are sitting ducks for terrorist.
By: The Doctor Of Common Sense