By: Elmer Williams
From The Book: “Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE” Chapter 22
I believe that the media is one of the primary reasons that politicians can get away with the lies and deceptions they propagate to the general public. I further believe that the only reason that so-called illegal aliens can be seen as victims is because of our corrupt media. They are supposed to report the news and let us decide what our opinions are about a particular story.
I think George W. Bush made a lot of mistakes when he was in office. I believe we should have gone to war withIraq, but I don’t think we should have fought the war in a way that would get a lot of our young men killed when it could have been avoided.
If George W. Bush was black and had a D (Democrat) in front of is name, he would not have received such flack over the war. I have heard a lot of people say after the facts that we went to Iraq for the oil and that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). I don’t know if that is the reason we went to war or not, but what I do know is that when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, he was defeated. He signed a resolution stating that he would allow inspectors to come in and check for WMDs. After Saddam had ignored the seventeen or eighteen UN resolutions, it was clear that he had no intention of doing the right thing. We know for a fact the Saddam used WMDs on his own people. If we had not attacked this terrorist, he would probably have WMDs today.
I don’t care if they found WMDs or not. He made a promise to allow the inspectors into his country to carry out their work. The inspectors were given the run around and the planes attempted to fly over for inspection were shot at repeatedly. George W. Bush’s first mistake was that he let the media into Iraq to cover the war. What moron decided that it was a good idea to inform the enemy about some of our activities? You might as well put GPS on your tank trucks. The second mistake he made was refusing to let our young men kill the enemies even though they were trying to chop our men’s heads off. While he was president, we even court marshaled some of our soldiers for killing terrorists. And what did the media report about some of these stories? They showed sympathy toward the enemies and made our army out to be the bad guys.
I am curious as to why we haven’t been hearing about the wars since the Messiah came into office. President Obama gets a free pass on his warmongerings. Where are all the tree huggers and the antiwar protesters now? If George Bush were black and had a D in front of his name, he would not have been criticized for going to war. All I hear now is deafening silence from these hypocrites. They pretend they care about the rights of citizens in other countries, but we know that to be a big, fat lie.
Compare the casualties in Afghanistan under George W. Bush over eight years and Barack Obama over three and a half years. There is a chart from iCasualties.org that shows the casualties under Obama have surpassed those under Bush. The scoreboard for Bush from 2001 to 2008 is 630. The scoreboard for Obama from 2009 to 2011 is 1203. It is a blowout, Obama wins running away.
If the facts were clearly in favor of our first black president, anti-war movement would be out in full strength. They love to play the race card whenever they are losing an argument. The casualty scoreboard reads Obama: 1203 and Bush: 630. I’m not that smart, but when I was in school, 1,203 was a higher number than 630. I know times have changed and we are constantly redefining words, so I suppose numbers might as well come under attack also.
Where are CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and the other media outlets on these casualties? I thought they wanted to protect our men and women from oppressive warmongers. I thought they wanted to protect the citizens of other countries. Is it our job to protect other counties? Why are we still in Afghanistan and Iraq? You don’t need a PhD in common sense in order to see what’s going on. Obama is a black Democrat. Most news outlets on television are liberal and progressive, so they are compassionate toward democrats. They do not want to be perceived as racist.
This is the insanity of the politically correct crowd. They would rather drive off the side of a mountain before being viewed as judgmental. They voted for Obama in the hopes that he would deliver them from their troubles.
They hoped he would lead them to the promised land of nirvana. They hoped we would become one big Communist party. I have learned that liberal whites are shocked that all blacks don’t like Obama’s politics, and liberal blacks are appalled by fellow blacks who don’t support him. It’s an incredible achievement for a black man to have become president. Liberal blacks believe he should be blindly supported.
Never mind that he constantly contradicts himself and acts as if George W. Bush is at fault for everything that’s wrong. When he ran for office, why didn’t he tell us that almost four years into his term, he wasn’t going to be able to fix anything because of George W. Bush? He and the media should have been clear that George W. Bush messed things up so badly that Obama can only make it worse. If I am not mistaken, his election theme was change without partisan politics. Are you freaking kidding me? All he has done is partisan politics. The only changes he has made have been for the worse. If you are black and don’t agree with the black president, you must be an Uncle Tom.
Perhaps you have been brainwashed by the Tea Party or some other conservative group. I always find it funny when people refuse to talk about the facts and focus on race, saying things like, “You are just jealous of the man.” Should I vote for Obama because he’s black? Should I like him because he’s black? I don’t like a lot of my own black relatives, so I will certainly not like a man based solely on his skin color. How uninformed can you be, to vote for a man based purely on race?
Where are the media, especially the conservative media, on defending Michael Savage from being banned from Britain? I have not heard one media outlet say it is preposterous for a talk radio host to be banned from a country. I have not heard any mention that a top-selling author should not be on the same list as a terrorist. Where is Fox News? Where is Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh? If these people were real journalists and seekers of truth, they would report this story.
I believe the media is one of the primary reasons that Americans have become so portentous about ignoring the truth. The media plays fast and loose with the facts every night. When we joined NATO to start a war inLibya, the media would have us believe we were justified in our actions.
Muammar Qaddafi might not be a saint, but why are we invading Libya? We are still at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The economy is horrible yet we have decided to spend millions on a war against Libya. A CNN story posted online on July 17, 2011, says, “The Western alliance has been bombarding Libya since late March a U.N. mandate to protect civilians from forces loyal to longtime strongman Muammar Gaddafi, who is attempting to put down a revolt against his nearly forty-two-year rule.”
Notice that according to CNN, the only reason we invadedLibyawas because of a “mandate to protect civilians.” Is that a good reason to go to war? If we are going to fight to protect a country’s citizens, we should declare war on many other countries. As soon as I heard the story about NATO forces taking down the evil dictator, I was very suspicious about why we would go to war with a man who wasn’t a threat to anyone outsideLibya. The media made us think Gaddafi was the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin.
Eight NATO members are involved in the air strike crusade, including the USA United States led by our antiwar leader Barack Obama (I thought he was against war when George W. was in office); France, (which never wants to fight); Canada (do they have an army?); Denmark (It must have stop raining long enough to send help); Belgium (I hope they bring some Tapestry); Italy; Norway (what a joke); and Britain, which can’t stop the riots in its own cities. A Huffington Post headline read, Libya Says NATO Bombed Residential Area in Tripoli, Killed Civilians. In this story, Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard, the commander of the anti-Libya operation, is quoted as saying, “NATO regrets the loss of innocent civilian lives and takes great care in conducting strikes against a regime determined to use violence against its own citizens.”
The media has no shame. I wonder why these purveyors of justice didn’t side with the United Stateswhen we attacked Saddam Hussein, who, may I add, used WMDs on his own citizens. I think the people of Libyashould play the race card against the NATO forces. They should say that the only reason they are being attacked is because of their skin color and because they are Muslims. We have not fought the wars in Iraqor Afghanistan correctly under Bush or Obama. If we had, we would have killed the enemy and not wasted taxpayer money.