Excerpt from the Book – “Whatever Happen To COMMON SENSE”
Chapter 16 Entitled – The Arizona Law Madness
By: Elmer Thomas Williams Jr.
This is an issue that quite frankly is somewhat mind-boggling to me. We have people upset with Arizona, and for what? They want to uphold the law. This just proves how completely insane we have become in this country. We are upset because Arizona governor Jan Brewer wants to encourage her state to enforce the law. You may want to know what is in the Arizona Immigration Law.
It says:
([i])Arizona’s law orders immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there’s reason to suspect they’re in the United States illegally. It also targets those who hire illegal immigrant laborers or knowingly transport them.
Think about that, people: they are upset because they are enforcing the damm law. Have we lost our freaking minds in this crazy, politically correct country? I cannot wrap my mind around this insanity. They are upset with Jan Brewer and Arizona because they want to insist on enforcing the law. They are not upset with the lawbreakers, but they are upset with the law enforcers.
I’m sorry to keep repeating the same thing, but they are upset because the state does not want to take care of Mexico’s illegals. Please, let’s just stop talking complete nonsense about preventing illegal aliens from other countries. Can we just please be intellectually honest for once in this mixed up country of ours?
The truth is that Mexico is insisting that we take care of its freaking citizens. It’s not Russia, Africa, or Scotland; it is Mexico. What Mexican illegals are doing is just as bad as the Pearl Harbor attack. They are killing some of our civilians and officers. They are costing us billions of dollars. It could be argued that our leaders are Benedict Arnolds with the way they’re helping the modern-day invasion.
Why in the hell should the American people pay the medical bills of someone who comes over here illegally and drops off their damm baby?
We did not experience any pleasure when they were conceiving the child, so why should we pay for their pleasure? I don’t give a rat’s behind how much people say they are just hardworking people who love their families. Hell, I’m hardworking, and I love my family, and I can’t get any relief from my property taxes, for God’s sake.
Why are we acting as if this is some special attribute that they have acquired over the years? They have laid on their backs and gotten pregnant? Hell, any dog can get pregnant. Do we give dog’s healthcare, a free education, and a Lonestar card?
I don’t give a damm if you’re from the Netherlands,China, or Zimbabwe. If you’re pulled over for a traffic violation for expired tags and a police officer asks you for your driver’s license and you don’t have one and don’t speak English, what do you bunch of idiots suppose the officer should do? Offer the violator free tickets to see the Arizona Cardinals football game?
About twenty years ago, a police officer pulled me over for speeding. I had left my driver’s license at home. Do you know what the officer did to me? He had me take the green mile walk back to the police car and have a seat in the back of the squad car until he could make sure I was who I said I was.
I didn’t play the race card and say that the officer put me in the backseat because I am black. Don’t get me wrong, I have been racially profiled before, but on this occasion I understood that the burden of proof was on me for not having the proper ID. If I had showed the officer my ID and he had given me the Green Mile Walk anyway, that would be a horse of a different color.
What I am sick of is the Latino and black communities playing the race card even when it is not really an issue. Make no mistake about it: I hate all racists equally. It just shows complete ignorance for any race to hate another race based strictly on skin color. I don’t care if you’re examining the Black Panthers, the KKK, a Latino organization that hates other races, or Asians who set up flea markets in predominantly black neighborhoods and profile you if you go into their stores.
A lot of people may hate when I speak like this, but I will quote Muhammad Ali: ([ii]) “A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing.”
Are there some racist police officers who enjoy pulling over people based strictly on their race? Absolutely! Does this mean we should stop enforcing the law because some people will be offended? If that is your solution, either you are just plain stupid, or your brain has been fried from all the drugs you did in the past. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ([iii]) “A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.” Friend’s Romans, and Countrymen, lend me your ears; the installment plan is in effect.
This is the problem with our war on terrorism and the reason we are not going to win if we keep down this road. It is stupid to try to prevent a terrorist attack by searching a seventy-year-old woman at the airport just as quickly as we search Mohammad Aquabar. If we had a history of seventy-year-old white women blowing themselves and others up, I could understand profiling more seventy-year-old white women.
If white men between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-five are convicted of molesting children at a much higher rate than other races, then I can understand profiling white men between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-five. If black men between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five are robbing convenience stores, I can understand profiling black men between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. So dam-it if you are stopped for a traffic violation or if you are questioned and you can’t speak English.
I don’t give a damm how mad LuLac or La Raza gets. Tell the Mexican invaders to go back home. What really cooks my goose is that Mexican president Felipe Calderon comes to our country and condemns theArizonalaw. It is outrageous that he is upset because his own citizens are willing to break the law in order to get away from his country.
I’m sorry I don’t know of any country that I would be willing to enter illegally and do anything necessary to stay there. If Felipe Calderon is so concerned about his citizens being mistreated, why doesn’t he tell all of his people to come back home? If Mexico is so damm great, take your asses back to Mexico and stop trying to force us to take care of you and your kids.
They have become so bold that they break the law and then march in the streets with their Mexican flags demanding rights. Again, I repeat, if Mexico is so damm great, go back to Mexico and carry your flag proudly there. Calderon wants the American people to support his kids, so to speak.
How would it look for the man or lady down the street to knock on my door every month and ask me for a check to help support his or her kids? After I explain to them how they are out of their minds for coming to my door with such an outrageous request, I would ask the couple if I could get the social security numbers of their four kids so that I could use them when I file my taxes at the end of the year.
That’s my new program. It’s called The Adopt an Illegal Alien Initiative and is geared toward using the illegals to beef up my tax return. Hell, the government does it every year with people who have had multiple kids and have not worked full-time or have made a minimum amount of money. They get as much as $7,000 on their tax return for lying on their backs and screwing someone.
This has become the new virtue inAmerica. If you have kids and lots of them, and you make sure you can’t support them, “Big Daddy Government” will give you a few crumbs to help support little Carlos, Maria, Sheneneh, Jerome, Billy Joe Wayne, or Bobby Sue Oliver.
Whatever happened to supporting your own damm kids? We can’t continue to support illegal alien’s period. End of the discussion. I know that almost all of the real men have been lost in our country, and most of the ones who are left refuse to say anything. They don’t want to come off as racist or intolerant.
I wish some real men had stepped up when that piece of garbage from Mexico (Calderon) came to our house (America) and criticized our country on the senate floor. There are only two things that should have happened to this bum Calderon. One of the senators should have asked security to escort the bum back to the airport and have his visa revoked. Or the second idea, which is my favorite and the thing I wish had happened, is that as soon as he began talking, someone should have invited him outside and beat the hell out of him.
How’s that for the good old politically correct crowd? If a man comes to my house and starts disrespecting my home and family by throwing out insults, he will get his hat handed to him without question. That’s my motto: kick ass and ask questions later. You can go to hell with your political correctness because I’m sick of it.
Have a nice life,America, and tell that clown Barack Hussein Obama that his immigration reform is a bad idea. Just like that other little inarticulate clown George W. Bush tried to do when he was in office. He tried to shovel immigration down our throats and all it did was ostracize his base. Why can’t we get these pathetic politicians to do what the American people put them in office to do? Just do your damm jobs, Mr. Politicians.
[i] Arizona’s law orders immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there’s reason to suspect they’re in the United States illegally. It also targets those who hire illegal immigrant laborers or knowingly transport them. http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-23/politics/immigration.faq_1_arizona-immigration-law-reform-sb1070?_s=PM:POLITICS
[ii] ) Brainy Quote – Muhammad Ali Quotes
[iii] Brainy Quote, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/martin_luther_king_jr.html