A 56-year-old man was arrested Monday after police said he drove naked through his Boynton Beach neighborhood with electrical wires attached to his genitals.
Someone called police after Kurt Allen Jenkins reportedly slowed his white four-door Toyota and made sexual advances toward that person. Jenkins allegedly motioned toward his groin area, at which point the person saw the wires, and opened the passenger-side door.
The caller declined Jenkins’ offer to climb in but snapped a picture of him to show city police.
Jenkins continued his slow drive through the neighborhood west of Congress Avenue and south of Miner Road as school-aged children got off the bus, the caller told police.
Two marked police cars were needed to pull over Jenkins, who reluctantly stepped out of his car only wearing red shorts, a police report states.
An officer handcuffed Jenkins on the ground after he repeatedly ignored police orders, a report states.
Jenkins was hospitalized for three days, court records show. He is scheduled to appear before a Palm Beach County judge on Thursday morning, according to court records.
He is charged with lewd behavior in front of children, indecent exposure and resisting an officer without violence, according to jail records.