Let’s just look at some of the left’s crazy policies and you tell me if they are smart.
AOC thinks the three branches of government which we I also believe.
But she said the 3 branches are the Presidency, the Senate, and the House.
And all this time you thought it was legislative, executive and judicial.
The legislative branch is the House of Representatives, and the Senate.
The executive branch is the President, and the Vice President.
And the judicial is the Supreme Court. Don’t for get she is one of their rising stars so she should know this.
AOC also said that she would love to be inaugurated on Jan rd, and start signing bills on the 4th.
Representatives don’t sign bills.
What about Obama? He said that “it was wonderful to be back in Oregon”. He says “that over the last 15 months we have traveled to every corner of the United States.”
He then says “I have been in 57 states, and he thinks one left to go.”
He then says “Alaska and Hawaii he was not allowed to go too either.”
The Fact Checkers say he meant to say 47 states. But that’s not what he said.
And I thought the fact checkers job was to see if a statement or story is true.
And it is indeed a fact that he said he has been to 57 states and has one to go.
On speaking about passing the Bill of Obamacare.
Nancy Pelosi that great philosopher said, “we have to pass the bill so we can see what’s in it”.
Every city that the left runs becomes worst.
How long has Aunt Maxine Waters been in office? Is her district better?
Maxine Waters said that the fake dossier that Christopher Steele and Hillary financed was true.
She especially thought the part about the sex in the dossier was true.
She is a moron just like most of the left.
Anyone you talk to on the Left will agree that sanctuary cities is great for their city.
Sanctuary cities should be outlawed.
The sanctuary policies implemented by cities such as San Francisco and Seattle seek to go around federal immigration laws.
The Government websites says in section 1182
§1182. Inadmissible aliens
(a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:
(1) Health-related grounds
(A) In general
Any alien-
(i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance;
So why was the Biden Administration allowing covid infected illegals into Texas?
Section 1182 says they can not have a communicable disease. Well if covid is so dangerous why are they breaking the law to get these illegals over here.
Also it is against the law to enter the USA from a none check point.
(See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)
But the left have placed sanctuary cities all around ignoring the law.
The leaders in California put the Illegal’s rights who broke the law to get here.
Over the right’s of its tax paying citizens. Excuse me if I think this is moronic.
Would a husband be praised by his wife or children, if he put all the neighbors before his own house hold?
If a wife never cook dinner for her husband and cooked for every other man, and his children.
Would anyone declare how great of a wife and mother she is?
They would call a husband who did not pay child support a deadbeat.
Well you crooked government are deadbeats when it comes to taking care of its citizens.
Also think about how the left promotes criminals being released from jail.
While they think you should die for having a different opinion then they do.
They say take the guns from the law abiding citizens. But they say nothing about the criminals running around like its the Wild Wild West.
No person on the left can tell you if they take the guns from law abiding citizens.
How will this all of a sudden make the criminals stop buying illegal guns?
If I am a criminal you are giving me a license to rob and comment more violent crimes.
The left have promoted Welfare for years as if it is a right for those who keep making bad decisions.
You had one baby, and baby daddy did not stick around. You don’t have a job, and if you do have a job it does not pay for you, and the first child.
So we have to give you free food for you, and the baby. Then we have to pay for housing in an environment that will raise the child to not be a productive human being in most cases.
Then we have to pay for your healthcare, because as many on the left have said.
“Healthcare is a right” that the working and responsible has to pay for because baby daddy ran off.
Many times baby daddy is still living in the house that you and I are paying for.
Then she decides she wants another baby, by a different baby daddy because he is so cute.
That is, she thinks that the new baby daddy is so cute. So she says we will have a pretty baby.
And she thinks that the baby that she can’t afford will be a great idea.
So she gets pregnant by another baby daddy, and he has to go to jail now.
Because he shot someone who was looking at him disrespectful.
So now Brenda, or Shanae Nay, of Tammy, or Maria has to send money to new baby daddy while he’s in jail.
He’s in jail but it’s not is fought, because people should learn not to disrespect him.
So now she gets more welfare, and more healthcare.
And soon the first child needs to go to school and its your responsibility to pay for both babies, her, and baby daddy one, and two have.
These are the policies of the left.
The Left says the vaccine works, but now they are recommending 3 shots of the Jab.
And in some cases they are offer a booster shot.
Also they say the vaccine and the mask work. Yet we see people with the mask on who have taken 2 shots of the jab and they still caught covid.
They say that the vaccine is safe yet we can say without a doubt the vaccine has killed many.
Forget arguing over the number. We know for a fact even on government websites it list deaths, and sickness after taking the Jab.
So why have we not seen at least a caution on the sites as possible consequences of taking the Jab?
The lockdowns did not work. But it did destroy businesses.
The mask only worked to make mask companies wealthy. The vaccine made the pharmaceutical companies rich.
And the lock downs made Amazon, Walmart, Lowes and other big business rich.
So none of their policies work, and yet they keep doing these policies.
Has all the money we spent on Climate Change done anything to stop climate change?
No because the idiots that push climate change don’t really believe it either.
They all have many big homes that run air conditioners. They fly around on planes all of the time.
They ride in limousines. Yet we are now talking about yet another Green Deal, masquerading as the Infrastructure Bill.
Will it solve any problems? Absolutely not but what difference does that make.
The Climate Nazis will come on TV in an attempt to shame you into getting on the, insane train of climate change.
All Aboard the nut wagon of tree hugger express.
No Obama’s Green Energy plan did not work, and so what. It makes them feel good to tell you what to do, even if they are not doing it also.
Look at all of the cities that the left run. They have destroyed these cities for years.
Yet they will get on TV and say the right wing extremist disagree with our failed policies.
Can anyone argue that the left wing policies have failed in every city.
But after they spend trillion, and billions of dollars and it fails.
They say “we just need more money and more time.”
If I place a pile of horse manure on the kitchen table.
And wait for 3 years, or maybe even 10 years. Will it turn into chocolate moose?
But the supporters of these idiots will defend these failed so-called leaders even if it harms their way of life.
These zombies known as supporters will campaign and knock on doors for these imbecile leaders.
They are saying I have failed for 30 or 40 years but if you hire me this time I will give you a gift.
The gift is more crime, more corruption, and more of their buddies getting rich.
But the snake so-called leaders will get on TV and say how much they love there constituents.
And they show this love by destroying their communities.
Joseph Stalin once said “If you are afraid of wolves, keep out of the woods.”
Many followers of the corrupt politicians don’t even have enough sense that God gives a road lizard.
To be afraid of hungry vicious wolves.
They wonder off into the woods of their communities. They are woods because of the leadership that they have chosen year after year.
The left thinks that spending more money will lead to getting us out of debt.
But it just could be that these folks on the left are just not as smart as we give them credit.
By: The Doctor Of Common Sense