Have you ever talked to someone whom you just wanted them to be honest with you? But all that you received from them was a lot of superfluity rubbish. You wanted to tell them just give me a straight answers you moron. You wanted them to stop with the politicsand politiciananswers. But they just wanted to be politically correct and not hurt your feelings. Well if I’m driving on the freeway and 5 miles down the road the bridge is out. And the weather just happens to be very foggy with a 50% chance of rain. Do you suppose that I would like obtain an update on the bridges conditions from my good friend? Or would you like for this so called friend to rationalize and say this is Elmer’s favorite road to drive on.
You wanted to know if they were attempting to be re-elected, because the political nonsense was driving you crazy. Are you freaking kidding me Mr. or Mrs. politician. Just tell me the DAMM road is out and if you keep down the road you moron you will die.
Then they continue with I don’t want him to be interrupted in his leisure drive so I’m going to let him enjoy his commute. How long do you believe that we are going to remain freinds after the crash? Stevie Wonder or the late Ray Charles could see that this kind of logic makes no sense what so ever.
That would be the same thing as me saying that “I don’t know why my head want stop hurting”. Then I go to the doctor’s office in order for him to figure out why my head will not stop hurting. Then after about an hour of examination and many tests later, He finds several knots on my brain, and he realizes that it is cancer.
But he says to himself “I don’t want to alarm Mr. Williams” because it will just cause him stress, and since he appears to be so happy. I will just let him believe that everything is alright. Is there any rational adult who’s IQ is above their shoe size that would think that the Doctors is acting responsible. The answer is hell-to-the-no the Doctor should have is licenses pulled and he should be arrested. So the next time that you have a chance to stop someone that you know is about to do something stupid I beg of you ring the alarm. Shout from the mountain top, if that fails just slap some sense into their heads. If they choose to ignore your advice than you have done your part and you will have a clear conscience. If that woman that you know is dating a loser for God sake tell her that Jeff is a Loser with a capital L. If that guy you know is dating a shallow superficial,self-centered, gold digger tell him to run to the mountains. If you were truely a friend you would inform your friend of their stupidity. “Friends don’t let friends date losers”.