Idiot Actress Amber Tamblyn Said She Thought About Giving Her Baby Away Because Trump Was Elected
She is such a damn idiot.
Amber Tamblyn’s frank discussion about her feelings the night that Donald Trump was elected president are generating a lot of anger on Twitter.
A star of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie and co-founder of the #TimesUporganization advocating for women’s equality, Tamblyn read part of her upcoming book, Era of Ignition: Coming of Age in a Time of Rage and Revolution, on Sunday at the “Feminist AF” event at Vulture Fest in L.A. The excerpt she read was about spending the night of the 2016 presidential election at the Javits Center in New York with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and her thoughts at the moment Clinton supporters were told that the presidential candidate would not be addressing the crowd.
“A dark realization swallowed me: I was going to bring a baby into this world. And not just any baby: a girl,” Tamblyn recalled. According to the Hollywood Reporter, she recalled “imagining if she should give her baby away to Canadians or Swedes.” Tamblyn’s team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
That last part, about Tamblyn’s now 18-month-old baby, drove a lot of people straight to Twitter.
’MERICA 1st@rb_leto
@WilkowMajoritynow I’ve heard everything!!! Hollywood is planning to boycott filming in Georgia and amber tamblyn says she imagines her baby growing up in Canada all these people are dilusional !!!!
11 yr old girl gets gang raped in Sweden. Then her attackers get let go. Now she faces them as they laugh at her on the way to school everyday. USA is next unless we take a STAND! Fight Mass Immigration!
Hey- @ambertamblyn ~ Like I said in my first TW to you- you surely dodged a bullet. You and your husband shout horrid things about OUR PRESIDENT ~ WHILE SITTING COMFY IN YOUR MANSION? & “WE THE PEOPLE” (#patriots#maga) ARE SUPPOSED TO HEAR YOU? You R both hypocrites! Move to
Do us all a favor and leave the country! People like you are why people like me voted for Trump. If you can’t figure out why then you deserve the Communist life you’ll have because you just don’t get what it means to be an American. #Trump2020
@ambertamblyn nice article of how you thought you would have to give your daughter to Canada or Sweden after 2016 election. It just goes to show how irrational and unhinged some people are. If it’s that bad why did yih just take your baby and leave. Not as dramatic I guess
If you’re one of those news organizations that treated Clinton’s private emails like they were a national emergency, the solution isn’t to treat Ivanka’s private emails like they’re also a national emergency—rather, it’s to acknowledge that you kinda fucked up on Clinton.
Just Jeff@TrumpTheHaters1
Just read that Amber wrote that she thought about giving her baby to Canada after Trump won the election. Looks like someone is looking for attention. Pretty pathetic.
Tamblyn herself jumped into the fray to make a joke about a headline from an extremist website about what happened. She thanked another writer for sharing a poem called “Stay Vigilant,” adding that she “needed this.”
Although commenters didn’t pay much attention, Tamblyn’s moment at the reading included a more hopeful message too. She remembered her doctor suggesting that she deal with her anxiety about protecting her daughter by listening to a one-minute recording of the baby’s heartbeat each and every day, so she shared it with the audience.
Amber Tamblyn Believes Entertainment Is Slowly But Significantly Increasing Inclusivity