By Katrina Turner
The Aftershock Survival Summit is a gripping, no-nonsense presentation that’s quickly becoming a financial beacon in an economic tsunami.
Featuring an exclusive interview with famed economist and best-selling author Robert Wiedemer, this disturbing presentation exposes harsh economic truths along with a dire financial warning — a prophetic message that’s spreading across America like wildfire.
But it’s not just the grim predictions that are causing the sensation; rather, it’s the comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.
offers realistic, step-by-step solutions that the average hard-working American can easily follow; millions have already heeded its warnings and are rapidly sharing the Aftershock Survival Summit throughout the Internet. To see it for yourself, simply click here.
The overwhelming amount of feedback to publicize the presentation, initially screened for a private audience, came with consequences as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.
“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the Aftershock Survival Summit public so they could easily share it,” said Newsmax Financial Publisher Aaron DeHoog, “but unfortunately, it kept getting pulled.”
The controversy stems from direct allegations that the people in Washington have failed miserably. They include former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, tasked with preventing financial meltdowns and keeping the nation’s economy strong through monetary and credit policies.
At one point, Wiedemer even calls out Ben Bernanke, saying that his “money from heaven will be the path to hell.”
This wasn’t the first time Wiedemer’s predictions hit a nerve. In 2006, he and his team of economists accurately predicted the four-bubble meltdown in the housing, stock, private debt, and consumer spending markets that almost sunk America.
Regardless of his warnings and survival advice, Bernanke and Greenspan were not about to support Wiedemer publicly, nor were the mainstream media.
As the warnings went unheeded, and America suffered the consequences, Wiedemer penned his latest prophetic work, “Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.”
Once again his contrarian views ruffled feathers and just before the book was publicly released, the publisher yanked the final chapter, deeming it too controversial for newsstand and online outlets such as Amazon.com.
Despite appearances, “Aftershock” is not a book with the singular intention of scaring people, explains DeHoog. “The true value lies in the sound economic survival guidance that people can act on immediately. I was able to read the original version with the ‘unpublished chapter,’ and I think it’s the most crucial in the entire book. After contacting Wiedemer, we [Newsmax] were granted permission to share it with our readers. In fact, viewers of the Aftershock Survival Summit are able to claim a free copy of it.”
In the Aftershock Survival Summit, Wiedemer reveals what the publisher didn’t want you to see. Citing the unthinkable, he provides disturbing evidence and financial charts forecasting 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market collapse, and 100% annual inflation.
“I doubted some of his predictions at first. But then Robert showed me the charts that provided evidence for such disturbing claims,” DeHoog commented.
Editors Note: The Aftershock Survival Summit shows the exact same charts. See them for yourself.
And, Wiedemer isn’t alone in his predictions. Jim Rogers, the best-selling financial author and co-founder of the Quantum Fund, warns, “The S&P’s recent downgrade didn’t go far enough, as Washington probably doesn’t even deserve the AA+ rating.”
And House Speaker John Boehner affirms, “The effect of adding nearly a trillion dollars to our national debt — money borrowed mostly from foreign investors — caused a further erosion of economic confidence in America, and increased uncertainty for millions of private-sector job creators.”
As Wiedemer’s warnings and predictions about money loss, market dives, unemployment, and inflation steadily prove to be accurate, the Aftershock Survival Summit is fast becoming the quintessential financial guide for the 21st century, garnering praise from millions.
Russell H., a financial market adviser from Wichita, Kan., says Aftershock 2012 “scared the hell out of me. It was a great wake-up call.”
Susan G. from Montgomery, Ala., called it “eye-opening, and mind-boggling.”
Richard B. from Apison, Tenn., reflects, “It gave me the courage to make a move which, had I not made, would have left me behind the ‘eight ball.’”
Don E. from Edgewater, Fla., said, “It caused me not only to think . . . but to act.”
Even financial giants are sitting up and taking notice.
The Dow Jones’ MarketWatch said, “Aftershock will teach you how to protect yourself against an increasingly hostile Wall Street-Corporate-America-Washington conspiracy undermining average stock market investors. This is your bible, read it, get into action, and be a winner.”
And, the S&P calls Wiedemer’s work “a compelling argument for a chilling conclusion. [His] track record demands our attention.”
Considering the lowered U.S. debt rating, the volatility of the stock market, and global uncertainty, Wiedemer’s track record proves why his warnings are critical.
According to DeHoog, that’s why Newsmax agreed to air the Aftershock Survival Summit as long as possible to make it available to as many as possible. He warns, “Watch it, and get the tools you need to prosper no matter what happens in our economy.”
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax is showing the Aftershock Survival Summit and supplying viewers with free copies of the new, updated “Aftershock” book including the final, unpublished chapter. Go here to view it now.