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What I find absolutely fascinating is that everyone likes to look like the big shot but no one wants to work like the big shot. I am so tired of people who have not earned a damm thing pretending to be significant. They do not work well under pressure, but it is very important for everyone to see how crucial they are to the company. I can tell you without a doubt what’s wrong with a lot of companies. Companies have too many damm chiefs and not enough Indians. They want to lead but they have never learned to follow. Everyone has a coworker who constantly comes up with ideas but when it comes time for work, they are nowhere to be found. They talk a good game but they can’t burst a grape in a fruit fight.
If you want to be the chief, you must sacrifice like the chief. The chief should make sure that he or she leads by example. The chief should show up first, leave last, and work when no one else is working. He or she looks out for the well-being of the entire tribe, not just himself or herself. It is always a good thing to lead by example. People do not mind following a leader who is willing to do everything that he or she can do in order to accomplish a job.
Many companies hire people who are not necessarily qualified for or have not earned the right to a particular job. This type of character will make an attempt to supervise people on jobs that they have never performed themselves and do not have the expertise to adequately oversee. The only reason they have the position is because of Daddy or because someone that Daddy knows gave them the position.
That’s one of the problems with our leaders. They talk a good game about sacrifice but they make no sacrifices themselves. I don’t believe that anyone wants to follow a person who does nothing more than talk about what he or she wants the team to do, all the while refusing to get his or her hands dirty but always saying “we did this” or “we did that.” You would think they were French given the way they use the word “we.” Sometimes it makes you want to wee-wee listening to these clowns. Some of these so-called managers or supervisors come to work late and spend thirty minutes in the coffee room on a regular basis. They take two-hour “business” lunches but never discuss business. If they smoke, they are always outside sucking on cigarettes, talking about absolutely nothing.
What’s even worse is that they always want to have meetings or meet to discuss how the company could operate better and more efficiently. Well, I believe that the first thing the company could do to be more efficient is to get some damm work out of you or fire you to free up some budget space.
Sometimes you will notice that the “boss man” or “boss woman” wants to implement new procedures that do not make any sense. It would be one thing if the new process made the operation run more smoothly, but instead it causes more problems without producing a better product. You would think that the genius who came up with the plan would simply abandon the boat, but that will never happen because the moron in charge will never admit to being wrong. Nepotism or cronyism has put them in this position, not hard work.