Response to Jenna Marbles Things Boys Don\’t Understand
Men and Women are just different and we will never truly understand
one another. Some women don’t see the common sense behind men getting so
excited when they are watching sports. Just as men can’t understand why women
get so excited about their 15 pair of black shoes. We are not just from Venus
and Mars we are in a different dimension on many occasions.
We should just accept the difference and move on with our
lives. Please men don’t tell me that you understand every aspect of your woman
because you are simply lying to yourself. And women please stop using your man as
your project. He is not Ken from Barbie. You can’t just dress him up and put
him in your little make believe world.
When your woman has a hard day and she wants to discuss that
day with you once she comes home. She does not want you playing Dr. Phil she
simply wants you to nod and occasionally say wow! Or what are you going to do
about that? You can even say “I can’t believe she did that”, which she will
response by saying, “I know she has some nerves.”
Women don’t want you solving their problem they just want
you to play the therapist and just listen. However women men are different when
it comes to talking. They usually have used all of their words up when they
come home, so when you ask the man how is day was. He may say it was alright.
Please don’t be offended or take it personally he is just all out of worlds.