Wednesday on the Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated radio show, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel said if Congress doesn’t help President Donald Trump begin to build the U.S.-Mexico border wall, voters will walk away from the GOP in 2018.
Ingraham asked, “The President comes out yesterday and says there’s going to be a wall. So what is the RNC doing specifically to push the Trump agenda and help it get traction in Congress?”
McDaniel replied, “Well I think part of it is communicating to our lawmakers what we are seeing on the ground. And I’m from Michigan. I was part of the Trump movement as a Michigan chair, and I know that our voters are going to hold us accountable in 2018 if we do not keep the campaign promises that were made. When you get to Washington, sometimes you forget what was said outside and it’s important that we bring that back to Washington and let them hear what the voters expect of this government and of the president.”
She added members of Congress would “lose the trust of our base if we don’t keep our promises.”
“Our base is going to walk away,” she continued. “They’re going to feel like, ‘Hey, you said one thing on the campaign trail to get elected and you didn’t act on it.’”